Bye Until 2022
As we’re nearing the end of the year, I’m recognizing that the space I'm currently in has been calling me to trust the unknown and take some breathing room. You can probably already tell from the title, but we’re taking a pause on new podcast content until the new year. While I'm in Zurich I wanted to be able to explore and be present, while still continuing to connect with the TGS community through weekly emails.
A Few Ways To Embrace The Space (From Now Until The End Of The Year)
I'm not sure if you've already heard, but I’m currently in Zurich, my husband and I will be here for the next couple of months! Recently, I've been struggling to embrace the space around me, to fully be in the present moment instead of worrying about what's next. So I came to the decision to take a little pause on the podcast starting this November. I’ll have another episode explaining this in more detail but this week, I wanted to share an experience in Central Park as a tangible way to talk about the things I’ve been learning about creating space in your life and embracing the space in hopes that it will inspire you, too, to embrace your own present moments.
Book Summary: Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents
What happens when a child has emotionally immature parents? How do you recognize it and heal yourself? This episode is inspired by Lindsay C. Gibson’s book Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents. After this post, you’ll have the ability to better create boundaries with ease and focus on living from a true, authentic space. Rather than spending tons of time and energy on a parent who won’t change. Shoutout to Jenica from The Good Space community for recommending this book!
How to Stop Negative Thoughts from Consuming Your Day
We’ve talked in the past about dealing with negative people, but this week I want to talk about dealing with your own negative thoughts. I truly believe we can re-learn how to think so that we don’t allow our negative thinking to take over our life. I want to share an exercise that I've been using for years that allows me to challenge my negative thoughts and then choose a better one. This exercise helps your true self override the programming of the ego. You'll start to internalize the exercise, automatically challenge them and pull in the reins. Give it a try and then let us know how it goes.
One Way to Process and Tolerate Emotional Pain and Painful Feelings
This week I want to get a little more personal than usual. I’m using a recent triggering experience of mine to walk you step-by-step through one way you can process painful emotions. Since I can remember I’ve always shut down when experiencing painful feelings. This time I finally figured out how to redirect from an emotional spiral to a nurturing one instead. Hoping that it will help you process and tolerate painful emotions in your own life, I’m sharing five of the keys ways I was able to do this.
How to Deal with Negative People and Take Your Energy Back
We all know what it’s like dealing with negative people with toxic energy. It can feel icky and bring your own down. If you’re struggling with some version of this in your life then this post is for you. We’ll talk about how you can feel lighter and handle the negative energy others may expect you to carry or you expect yourself to carry. That way, you can have more space for your creative endeavors, for your family, or for anything you’ve been wanting to give time to. I promise this will make a difference.
Vibrational Alignment: Inspiration About the Power of Your Mind
This week, I wanted to give you a reminder of the power of your thoughts and the permission to get into vibrational alignment. Many of us have started to live our lives on autopilot, doing the same things every day. But it’s when we’re fully aware of where our thoughts and attentions lie, we’re about to be present and take back our energetic power. I’ll be explaining why your thoughts determine your actions, why you should get into the unknown, and action steps to do that.
Conspirituality: Why Spirituality and Conspiracy are Closer than You Think
A couple weeks ago, I read an Apple News article about California’s yoga and wellness community having a QAnon problem. This led me to dig even further into my curiousity surrounding conspirituality and I knew I wanted to share this with you. I want to know why a community that represents connection, love, and acceptance adopt an ideology opposite to that? In this post, I’m going to dive into what conspirituality is as a foundational whole as well as the human behavior aspect, and then I’ll share some action items and questions you can take away from this post.
How to Structure Your Day for Deep Work and Create with More Impact
Want the secret to making meaningful work that stands out? The answer: deep work. It’s where you put yourself in a focused, intentional, and challenging state to get every bit of value possible out of your current intellectual capacity. Your ability to do deep work determines the value you create and affects future success. Deep work is ultra-valuable because most people do shallow work every day: writing emails, posting on social media, watching TV, etc. The person who does deep work creates above and beyond most people around them. Keep reading (or listening) to learn how you can start structuring your days for deep work.
6 Tips for Coping With Social Anxiety Post-Covid
Hot girl summer. Waxed and vaxxed. The welcome back to society memes are in full force 😂 Yet for some, it can feel like a shock being social again. Or that there’s pressure to over socialize. If that's you then listen to read this post or listen to this episode on coping with social anxiety post-Covid. As much as we needed to transition to life in isolation there’s also a transition time needed for getting back into the fast-paced world. You do you!
Why Doing Nothing is One of the Best Things You Can Do
If life feels heavy and you’re not sure when you’ll come up for air please know you’re not alone and continue reading this post. I’m not going to tell you to buckle up and press the gas pedal. To get thicker skin and strategize more. If that’s what you’re looking for then this post isn’t for you. I’m going to share the complete opposite of what popular practice would tell you. In hopes that you’ll feel relief and hope again.
There’s Beauty in Being Exactly Where You Are
We decided to try something a little different this week. And hopefully, for the coming weeks. We thought it would be fun to have little minisodes where I give thoughts or tips or things that I've been learning in hopes that it can also help you. It's something that I have done on Instagram, for many years actually, where I just hop on and share what I'm learning in my entrepreneurship journey, spiritual journey, I usually share things like okay, this is how I'm using affirmations in my life or here's a story about this spiritual principle that changed everything.
3 Ways to Strengthen Your Connection to Yourself
There’s a collective desire right now for us to strengthen our self-connection and trust. But many of us lose our voices because of the constant noise from “influencers” and other outside voices. This is why self-connection becomes so important, so I’m exploring what self-connection really is, why it’s non-negotiable, and three things you can start now to begin the journey of connecting to yourself.
How to Create Affirmations that Really Work
There is so much stigma and incorrect information around affirmations, so this week I want to talk to you about why affirmations are so powerful and some of the mistakes people often make. Using affirmations the right way could be the difference between continuing to feel like you’re suffocating in an emotional prison, or finally being let free to breathe fresh air once again. They're also a great self-grounding and confidence-boosting tool. Keep reading to learn how to feel more centered and aligned.
How to Build an Energetic Energy Shield and Protect Your Power with Angie Fisher
Are you an empath? Someone who’s sensitive to the emotions of other people or your environment? Today we're going to talk about how you can protect your energy and get into vibrational alignment with Angie Fisher.
Things I’m Afraid to Tell You
This is a post and episode I’ve been wanting to do for years. Jess Lively released her own a while ago and I never felt ready to do it until now. Call it Covid. Call it whatever you want. This year, while unexpected and sometimes scary, has made me bolder. It's tested my resilience and gave me a few good, heavy cries along the way. I've faced myself a lot this year. I mean who hasn't right?