How To End 2024 On A Positive Note
In this post, you’ll learn how to leave behind what doesn’t serve you spiritually or emotionally and go into 2025 ready to kick names and take ass (Guardians of the Galaxy anyone?). You’ll wrap up the year by focusing on gratitude, releasing negativity, and creating your vision for the new year. Get ready to feel aligned and renewed!
Five doable tips for nurturing Creativity as a writer
Creativity is THE portal to individualism, expression, healing, inspiration, and connection. It’s how we connect with and inspire others. Its importance can’t be overstated. Keep reading for five easy things you can do now to nurture your creativity.
The 10 most powerful books we read this year
If you’re ready for extra inspiration and motivation this season, click through to see the ten powerful reads we loved this year. From Dan Sullivan & Dr. Benjamin Hardy to Abraham Hicks, Jamie Varon, Bonnie Garmus, and more! Here are ten powerful reads from 2023.
My year in review as a first-time mom and business owner
Inspired by James Clear, here's my year in review as a first-time mom and business owner in 2023. You'll learn what went well, what didn't go well, and my biggest lessons. Plus, a look into my focus for 2024. Feel free to use this method for yourself!
Creativity is dying. Why we need to save it and what we can do.
Creativity is proven essential for happiness and positively influences well-being. Yet, it’s dying every day with the way our world runs. How can we make this important part of our lives more of a priority? Keep reading to learn why there’s a crisis, an example of ultimate creativity (Taylor’s version), and five tips to nurture your creativity.
Setting boundaries and exercising mental fitness: Empowering your best self with Liv Bowser
We sat down with Liv Bowser, the brilliant CEO & Founder of Librate, a groundbreaking mental fitness platform. As a certified Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher and Yoga Teacher, Liv’s expertise in mental well-being has earned her recognition in esteemed publications like Forbes, Business Insider, The Cut, and Real Simple. Join us as we explore Liv’s remarkable journey, her struggles with stress and anxiety, and some valuable advice from her dad.
How we can change our life by listening to our intuition with Megan Camille
Megan Camille, an intuitive business consultant, built her two 7-figure and multi-6-figure businesses from scratch, relying solely on her intuition and inner guidance. As a mother with no college education, Megan understands firsthand the challenges that come with starting a business from the ground up while raising kids. She was sex trafficked at 19 and managed to leave a toxic and dark situation to create a life she loves today.
Understanding and honoring the creative self with Taryn Scali
Today, I brought back my best friend, Taryn, to talk about the creative self and how important it is to have an outlet in your life. Creativity has always been a big part of our relationship. We met in Los Angeles years ago while pursuing singing and songwriting. To this day we both prioritize our creativity even when it’s been hard to. I felt especially impressed to talk about the importance of stories and claiming our experience by living in them (as inspired by Stephanie Sellers) and I'm more committed now than ever to living a creative life.
Expressing creativity in your own way and being okay with imperfection with Natasha Olaniyan
Natasha Olaniyan, author of How to Meditate with Inky Pathways, is a therapeutic artist and life coach. With a lifelong interest in the mind, body, and spirit, she supports the well-being of others by combining a wide variety of natural healing methods and spiritual practices with art. Listen in as we chat about making creativity accessible, choosing creativity as a form of self-care, slowing down to hear your intuition, and more!
Hustle culture is dead. Did our drive go away? Or did it morph into something new?
Today, I want to talk about ambition. Right now, I’m in the middle of my own reckoning with it. If you’re feeling the same way, then this episode is for you. We’re beginning to dismantle what ambition means and how it shows up. It’s not us that’s the problem but the environment. I don’t want to feel like I have to contort, trim, or lessen who I am to fit an idea the world presents to me. So I’m opting out. Demolishing ideas and beliefs to rebuild one brick at a time. My question becomes….does ambition have a place in my life if it’s not the hustle and grind way? Let’s talk about this.
Why families gang up on daughters and outcast them with Stephanie Sellers
Family Mobbing is a phenomenon where daughters in families are estranged or shunned and singled out because they don't follow the family’s explicit or implicit rules. It’s something Stephanie A. Sellers experienced in her own family and why she’s here today to discuss her book, Daughters Healing from Family Mobbing. Stephanie holds a doctorate and has been on the faculty at Gettysburg College since 2000, during which time she was the inaugural director of the Women's Center from 2009 to 2015. She has been a volunteer counselor advocate in shelters and a community organizer for decades.
Why I almost didn’t have kids and why I'm glad I did
If you're unsure about wanting children and how to make that decision, this episode is for you. As a driven and creative woman, I was frightened by the idea of motherhood. I wondered if it meant losing my sense of self. Or postponing my goals until my children were grown. I worried about how society, and even my husband, would perceive me. In this episode, I'll share what almost made me reject the idea of having children, how I eventually realized I wanted them, and the most surprising parts of motherhood.
Creativity on your own terms and why deserving is only the beginning with Jamie Varon
If you consider yourself a creative spirit this episode is for you. Join me and Jamie Varon as we talk about Taylor Swift, the advantage of starting your creative journey later in life, the fear of exposing yourself and being honest, overcoming guilt and shame for expressing yourself, and how believing you deserve the life you want isn't an outcome. It's only the beginning. Jamie is the author of Radically Content, a designer, digital course creator, and creative consultant living in Calabasas, CA.
How I left for Taylor Swift ticketless and 40-min later saw her perform
My most unbelievable manifestation story yet: how I got tickets to Taylor Swift’s sold-out Eras Tour after getting on a train to MetLife Stadium ticketless and without a prospect of getting one. Read on, or listen in, to hear a miraculous tale about not taking no for an answer, the power of desire, and unquestionable kindness. I hope this inspires you to believe, be brave, and be fearless in pursuing what you desire.
How a Mother of 4 Kids Started a Successful Business with Hayley Clark
Motherhood. Entrepreneurship. Often, women are unsure if they can do both. Or if they even want both. Growing up, I believed motherhood meant losing yourself. And becoming invisible to the world. Boy, was I wrong. With a little girl now of my own, my idea of what women are capable of expanded. That’s why I love this conversation with Hayley Clark, founder of Honey Mark. As a mama of 4 and a successful business owner, I had to talk to her about being a woman, mother, and dreamer.
Why Surrender is the Key to Transformation and Acceptance with Kute Blackson
If you ever wanted a masterclass in the Law of Attraction and spirituality then this episode with Kute Blackson is for you. He’s a beloved inspirational speaker and transformational expert with an incredible story. He’s the author of The Magic of Surrender and takes us through a magical journey. We talk about: what we can learn about surrender from the greatest people in the world, ego and how to embrace resistance, surrendering to death, and more.