Creativity and Intuition: 3 Thoughts on Hearing and Acting On Our Inner Wisdom
How do I know if my intuition is speaking to me? With creativity, how do I get myself to focus and zone in? These are great questions to ask and ones I’ve thought about over the years. In this compilation episode, I hope to give you insight and inspiration to fuel creativity within yourself.
8 books every creative woman needs to read this year
In this episode, I'm sharing the books that made it possible for me to live a creative and spiritual life. If you want to feel more like yourself, overcome emotional and mental blocks, and express the work you're meant to put into the world read these books.
How to Manifest a Positive Money Mindset – Part 4
The fourth in a four-part series on how to feel your best about money. You’ll read about how to create space for wealth, a poverty vs. prosperity mindset, and why negative emotions are a gift.
How to Manifest a Positive Money Mindset – Part 3
The third in a four-part series on how to feel your best about money. Inspired by Esther and Jerry Hicks’s book Money and the Law of Attraction we’ll learn how we’re wired to manifest, what your authentic self feels like, and more.
How to Manifest a Positive Money Mindset – Part 2
The second in a four-part series on how to feel your best about money. Inspired by Esther and Jerry Hicks’s book Money and the Law of Attraction this post is all about why we need to create space for money and why feeling good is the most important thing you could do.
How to Manifest a Positive Money Mindset – Part 1
The first in a four-part series on how to feel your best about money. Inspired by Esther and Jerry Hicks’s book Money and the Law of Attraction I felt inspired to talk about how important it is to feel good before taking action. What started as a good read on maternity leave resulted in this movement to help you feel your best in every area of your life.
10 Books for Inspiration
Seeking a little extra support on your self-love journey? Wanting to infuse your morning or evening routine with extra gratitude and inspiration? Each of these book recommendations have personally helped me to grow, feel creative, and inspired – and I hope they resonate with you, too!
Four Ways Spirit Can Beckon Us to Align With It Again – Part 2
This is the second in a two-part series based on Wayne Dyer’s four messages of alignment from his book, Inspiration: Your Ultimate Calling. I recently picked up this book and felt inspired to share them with you, with the last two of the four ways Spirit beckons us to align with us again: alignment with events, and alignment with people.
Four Ways Spirit Can Beckon Us to Align With It Again – Part 1
This is the first in a two-part series based on Wayne Dyer’s four messages of alignment from his book, Inspiration: Your Ultimate Calling. I recently picked up this book and felt inspired to share them with you, starting with two of the four ways Spirit beckons us to align with us again: alignment with feelings, and alignment with nature.
15 Writing Prompts about Self-Love
Feel like you could use a little extra support on your self-love journey? Wanting to infuse your morning routine with a little extra gratitude? I hope these 15 writing prompts about self-love help you to dive deeper into yourself. Be sure to subscribe to The Good Space Daily to receive inspiring writing prompts straight to your inbox each week!
20 Spiritual Writing Prompts
Have you wanted to get started with a journaling practice, but didn’t know where to start? Or maybe you’re craving something new or drawing a blank when you sit down to journal? Dive into these 20 spiritual writing prompts! Be sure to subscribe to The Good Space Daily to receive inspiring writing prompts straight to your inbox each week.
15 Writing Prompts about Boundaries
Feeling like your boundaries need a refresh? Maybe work feels too consuming, the news too much to take in, a relationship feels too taxing… whenever and wherever you’re feeling the need for refreshed boundaries, these journaling prompts are here to help guide your thoughts so you can take the steps necessary to best care for you.
Shifting from Podcast to Pause-cast
We’re switching from a podcast to a pause-cast – and episodes of The Good Space Podcast will drop as we’re inspired – and our email subscribers will be the first to know (so be sure to subscribe!). And get ready for more goodness from The Good Space in your inbox… we have felt inspired to shift from a weekly email to a daily email.
5 Ways Journaling Can Help You Be More Calm, Mindful and Resilient
Journaling has been part of my morning routine for most of my life. Journaling has helped me process and understand thoughts and feelings, affirm better thoughts, and stay connected to my goals. I hope this helps you feel inspired to start your own journaling practice. It’s truly life-changing!
Questioning Your Intuition? Here's How to Know if it's Talking to You
The more time you spend understanding and being with your creative, intuitive self the more you’ll know when it’s speaking to you vs. your intellect. Intellect is a necessary tool that complements intuition. The same way you know how to use your intellect (and tell when it’s working for you), it’s the same kind of experience with intuition but you’re using your heart intelligence instead. It’s natural and easy for a disconnect to happen between the two. But there’s a way to combine them again so you can guide your life with your intuition without losing intellect. Keep reading (or listening!) to discover how.
Our 10 Most Popular Wellness Episodes of 2021
As you get ready to travel for the holidays I want to share our most popular posts/podcast episodes of a year. Feel free to download them ahead of time and enjoy the flight or drive. I’m thankful you’re part of our community and hope you’re able to rest and reset. I can’t wait for more slowness and inner connection in the new year. What about you? Let me know in the comments!