Five doable tips for nurturing Creativity as a writer
Creativity is THE portal to individualism, expression, healing, inspiration, and connection. It’s how we connect with and inspire others. Its importance can’t be overstated. Keep reading for five easy things you can do now to nurture your creativity.
The 10 most powerful books we read this year
If you’re ready for extra inspiration and motivation this season, click through to see the ten powerful reads we loved this year. From Dan Sullivan & Dr. Benjamin Hardy to Abraham Hicks, Jamie Varon, Bonnie Garmus, and more! Here are ten powerful reads from 2023.
Creativity is dying. Why we need to save it and what we can do.
Creativity is proven essential for happiness and positively influences well-being. Yet, it’s dying every day with the way our world runs. How can we make this important part of our lives more of a priority? Keep reading to learn why there’s a crisis, an example of ultimate creativity (Taylor’s version), and five tips to nurture your creativity.
Understanding and honoring the creative self with Taryn Scali
Today, I brought back my best friend, Taryn, to talk about the creative self and how important it is to have an outlet in your life. Creativity has always been a big part of our relationship. We met in Los Angeles years ago while pursuing singing and songwriting. To this day we both prioritize our creativity even when it’s been hard to. I felt especially impressed to talk about the importance of stories and claiming our experience by living in them (as inspired by Stephanie Sellers) and I'm more committed now than ever to living a creative life.
Expressing creativity in your own way and being okay with imperfection with Natasha Olaniyan
Natasha Olaniyan, author of How to Meditate with Inky Pathways, is a therapeutic artist and life coach. With a lifelong interest in the mind, body, and spirit, she supports the well-being of others by combining a wide variety of natural healing methods and spiritual practices with art. Listen in as we chat about making creativity accessible, choosing creativity as a form of self-care, slowing down to hear your intuition, and more!
Creativity on your own terms and why deserving is only the beginning with Jamie Varon
If you consider yourself a creative spirit this episode is for you. Join me and Jamie Varon as we talk about Taylor Swift, the advantage of starting your creative journey later in life, the fear of exposing yourself and being honest, overcoming guilt and shame for expressing yourself, and how believing you deserve the life you want isn't an outcome. It's only the beginning. Jamie is the author of Radically Content, a designer, digital course creator, and creative consultant living in Calabasas, CA.
Creativity and Intuition: 3 Thoughts on Hearing and Acting On Our Inner Wisdom
How do I know if my intuition is speaking to me? With creativity, how do I get myself to focus and zone in? These are great questions to ask and ones I’ve thought about over the years. In this compilation episode, I hope to give you insight and inspiration to fuel creativity within yourself.
How to Structure Your Day for Deep Work and Create with More Impact
Want the secret to making meaningful work that stands out? The answer: deep work. It’s where you put yourself in a focused, intentional, and challenging state to get every bit of value possible out of your current intellectual capacity. Your ability to do deep work determines the value you create and affects future success. Deep work is ultra-valuable because most people do shallow work every day: writing emails, posting on social media, watching TV, etc. The person who does deep work creates above and beyond most people around them. Keep reading (or listening) to learn how you can start structuring your days for deep work.
6 Ways to Overcome Resistance and Raise Your Energetic Vibration
I’ve been called “The Resistor” several times now because when I don't know something I doubt my ability to make the right choice. But this made me start questioning why that was my default setting. Are you reading this and thinking “wow, I struggle with resistance too?” You know, that feeling of energy being blocked rather than flowing with the tides of life? I’ll take you through why we struggle with resistance, letting go of what feels misaligned, and the 6 Rs of Working Through Resistance. So, what do you resist the most in your life?
Aligning With Your Creativity and Being the Author of Your Life with Cris Ramos Greene
Cris Ramos Greene, Spanish American writer about travel, relationships, and Miami culture, and author of Embrace That Girl, joined me for a conversation on writing being her vocation, a gift always meant to do good, overcoming the fear of just starting without having to know it all, spirituality in the creative process, and what she learned while writing her book. She also takes us through what it was like to discover her calling, embrace it, and put it to practice.
Why the Uncomfortable Moments that Test What You Stand for Are Necessary
This week, I’m having a raw conversation with you that has been on my heart for a long time. It wasn’t until I started reading a book my friend recommended and later found out the author is a QAnon sympathizer and anti-vaxxer among other things, that I sat down to finally have this conversation. I want to talk about this eye-opening experience and how it reminded me of the importance of standing for your values and beliefs and being ready to take a stand for them. I want to encourage you to get uncomfortable so that you too can take a stand. I’m getting really honest about what The Good Space stands for and represents and encourage you to step up into what you believe.
Powerful Ways to Heal and Embrace Your Sexual Energy with Luci Lampe
This week, the incredible Luci Lampe, mom, author, entrepreneur, and sexual empowerment coach joined me on the podcast to talk about getting comfortable with our sexuality. The topic of sex and sexuality is so often seen as embarrassing or inappropriate, but it shouldn’t be. Luci gets real about why people are uncomfortable with their sexuality, how embracing your sexual energy benefits all aspects of your life, and ways to heal your relationship with sexual energy.
4 Myths About Creativity we Need to Debunk Right Now
Do you feel like the act of creating requires a ton of time? Or that, in order to really be creative, you have to make it your job? Maybe you’re constantly seeking validation for your work. Or you feel like you can’t create until some big idea comes to you. The common issue? Resistance. So, for this week, I’m tearing down each of these myths and giving you different ways to let go of that resistance and just get creating!