Our 10 Most Popular Wellness Episodes of 2021
As you get ready to travel for the holidays I want to share our most popular posts/podcast episodes of a year. Feel free to download them ahead of time and enjoy the flight or drive. I’m thankful you’re part of our community and hope you’re able to rest and reset. I can’t wait for more slowness and inner connection in the new year. What about you? Let me know in the comments!
Bye Until 2022
As we’re nearing the end of the year, I’m recognizing that the space I'm currently in has been calling me to trust the unknown and take some breathing room. You can probably already tell from the title, but we’re taking a pause on new podcast content until the new year. While I'm in Zurich I wanted to be able to explore and be present, while still continuing to connect with the TGS community through weekly emails.
A Few Ways To Embrace The Space (From Now Until The End Of The Year)
I'm not sure if you've already heard, but I’m currently in Zurich, my husband and I will be here for the next couple of months! Recently, I've been struggling to embrace the space around me, to fully be in the present moment instead of worrying about what's next. So I came to the decision to take a little pause on the podcast starting this November. I’ll have another episode explaining this in more detail but this week, I wanted to share an experience in Central Park as a tangible way to talk about the things I’ve been learning about creating space in your life and embracing the space in hopes that it will inspire you, too, to embrace your own present moments.
How You Can Declutter Your Life Emotionally and Physically with Peggy Fitzsimmons
As we kick off the month of October and begin to look toward the end of the year, I thought it would be important to get some insights into what it means to free your life of clutter, both emotionally and physically. So I brought in our guest this week, Peggy Fitzsimmons, author of Release: Create a Clutter Free and Soul Driven Life.* Learn why “most people think decluttering is about forcing themselves to get rid of things against their will. What actually happens in the process is that things let go of us,” what causes emotional, mental, and emotional clutter and how to free ourselves of that to live in alignment with our true soul nature; along with some practical tips on how to de-clutter.
Book Summary: Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents
What happens when a child has emotionally immature parents? How do you recognize it and heal yourself? This episode is inspired by Lindsay C. Gibson’s book Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents. After this post, you’ll have the ability to better create boundaries with ease and focus on living from a true, authentic space. Rather than spending tons of time and energy on a parent who won’t change. Shoutout to Jenica from The Good Space community for recommending this book!
How to Feel Peace if You Feel Overwhelmed by Life
My goal since I’ve lived in New York City is to figure out how to exist in a serene peaceful bubble without needing to move. Life can get crazy so I wanted to talk this week about feeling more peace even when things around you feel hectic. It’s been three years and I’ve gotten better but realized a few key things: feeling peace is a lifelong commitment, slow down, be ok with going against the grain. If you feel like you've been searching for a more peaceful life, this is your sign to go for it. You don't need to wait for everyone else to start. You’ll have wasted so many precious years not having peace.
How to Stop Negative Thoughts from Consuming Your Day
We’ve talked in the past about dealing with negative people, but this week I want to talk about dealing with your own negative thoughts. I truly believe we can re-learn how to think so that we don’t allow our negative thinking to take over our life. I want to share an exercise that I've been using for years that allows me to challenge my negative thoughts and then choose a better one. This exercise helps your true self override the programming of the ego. You'll start to internalize the exercise, automatically challenge them and pull in the reins. Give it a try and then let us know how it goes.
One Way to Process and Tolerate Emotional Pain and Painful Feelings
This week I want to get a little more personal than usual. I’m using a recent triggering experience of mine to walk you step-by-step through one way you can process painful emotions. Since I can remember I’ve always shut down when experiencing painful feelings. This time I finally figured out how to redirect from an emotional spiral to a nurturing one instead. Hoping that it will help you process and tolerate painful emotions in your own life, I’m sharing five of the keys ways I was able to do this.
How to Deal with Negative People and Take Your Energy Back
We all know what it’s like dealing with negative people with toxic energy. It can feel icky and bring your own down. If you’re struggling with some version of this in your life then this post is for you. We’ll talk about how you can feel lighter and handle the negative energy others may expect you to carry or you expect yourself to carry. That way, you can have more space for your creative endeavors, for your family, or for anything you’ve been wanting to give time to. I promise this will make a difference.
Vibrational Alignment: Inspiration About the Power of Your Mind
This week, I wanted to give you a reminder of the power of your thoughts and the permission to get into vibrational alignment. Many of us have started to live our lives on autopilot, doing the same things every day. But it’s when we’re fully aware of where our thoughts and attentions lie, we’re about to be present and take back our energetic power. I’ll be explaining why your thoughts determine your actions, why you should get into the unknown, and action steps to do that.
A Beginner's Guide to Ayurveda: Balancing the 3 Doshas and Infertility with Heather Grzych
This week, I’m joined by Heather Grzych, author of The Ayurvedic Guide to Fertility, host of the Wisdom of the Body podcast, and a board-certified Ayurvedic practitioner. She breaks down what exactly Ayurveda is and what the three Ayurvedic Doshas are, how they impact us, and what to do when they’re imbalanced. She helps us understand the wonders of aging, sleep, and facilitating mind content shifts.
How to Create a Personal Energy Shield for Protection
In this post, you’ll learn what a personal energy shield is, how you can create a personal energy shield for protection, and a few simple strategies you can use in low energy situations. If you’re an empath, sensitive to energy interference, or drained when you’re around people this is for you!