How to Feel Peace if You Feel Overwhelmed by Life
My goal since I’ve lived in New York City is to figure out how to exist in a serene peaceful bubble without needing to move. Life can get crazy so I wanted to talk this week about feeling more peace even when things around you feel hectic. It’s been three years and I’ve gotten better but realized a few key things: feeling peace is a lifelong commitment, slow down, be ok with going against the grain. If you feel like you've been searching for a more peaceful life, this is your sign to go for it. You don't need to wait for everyone else to start. You’ll have wasted so many precious years not having peace.
How to Stop Negative Thoughts from Consuming Your Day
We’ve talked in the past about dealing with negative people, but this week I want to talk about dealing with your own negative thoughts. I truly believe we can re-learn how to think so that we don’t allow our negative thinking to take over our life. I want to share an exercise that I've been using for years that allows me to challenge my negative thoughts and then choose a better one. This exercise helps your true self override the programming of the ego. You'll start to internalize the exercise, automatically challenge them and pull in the reins. Give it a try and then let us know how it goes.
One Way to Process and Tolerate Emotional Pain and Painful Feelings
This week I want to get a little more personal than usual. I’m using a recent triggering experience of mine to walk you step-by-step through one way you can process painful emotions. Since I can remember I’ve always shut down when experiencing painful feelings. This time I finally figured out how to redirect from an emotional spiral to a nurturing one instead. Hoping that it will help you process and tolerate painful emotions in your own life, I’m sharing five of the keys ways I was able to do this.
How to Deal with Negative People and Take Your Energy Back
We all know what it’s like dealing with negative people with toxic energy. It can feel icky and bring your own down. If you’re struggling with some version of this in your life then this post is for you. We’ll talk about how you can feel lighter and handle the negative energy others may expect you to carry or you expect yourself to carry. That way, you can have more space for your creative endeavors, for your family, or for anything you’ve been wanting to give time to. I promise this will make a difference.
Vibrational Alignment: Inspiration About the Power of Your Mind
This week, I wanted to give you a reminder of the power of your thoughts and the permission to get into vibrational alignment. Many of us have started to live our lives on autopilot, doing the same things every day. But it’s when we’re fully aware of where our thoughts and attentions lie, we’re about to be present and take back our energetic power. I’ll be explaining why your thoughts determine your actions, why you should get into the unknown, and action steps to do that.
Why Shame is an Attachment Wound and How to Transform That with Deirdre Fay
I’m excited to welcome Deirdre Fay this week, author of Becoming Safely Embodied: A Guide to Organize Your Mind, Body and Heart to Feel Secure in the World. Deirdre's message resonates deeply with those who may look successful on the surface, but internally they may be plagued with shame, anxiety, distress, depression, wondering why they’re stuck in these repeating patterns. We had an honest conversation about what trauma really is and how you can feel the better energy you long to step into. She also opened my eyes to why shame is an attachment wound and provides ways to transform it.
How to Move with Intention for the Rest of Your Life with Carisa Findley
I had the pleasure of getting to chat with my friend, Carisa Findley, award-winning author, trainer, and international speaker, about holding yourself responsible for changing your life, how to move through life with intention, and the importance of having a failure plan.
Are You Being Honest with Yourself?
Why is it hard to be truly honest with ourselves? Think of times you’ve said yes to people when you didn’t want to. Or tolerated things because you were afraid to be honest about what you really wanted. The moment you can be honest about the intentions behind what you do the sooner you can feel more freedom and peace. Keep reading to learn what honesty looks like and how to be more honest moving forward.
How to Simplify Your Life with a Personal Compass with Dr. Amanda Tobe
When you hear people becoming the designers or leaders of their lives it sounds great in theory. But it’s often just that. A theory. How do you begin taking practical steps towards leading your life? I’m so excited to share the answer by welcoming back the amazing Dr. Amanda Tobe who is teaching us how to simplify our lives by creating our own personal compass. Five steps to creating an inner compass that keeps you aligned like a magnet to your truest desires. In this episode, we walk you through each of the five steps and share some of my insights and struggles.
Why Every Person is Capable of Healing From Within and How To Start Now with Michael Coles
In this week’s episode, I sat down to talk to Michael Coles; holistic health practitioner, and health strategy coach. Years ago, he made the decision to go from unhealthy, obese, and addicted to substances, to healthy and thriving. We talk about a bunch of simple ways to begin your own healing process and Michael shares how he got to where he is now along his own journey. He also had a bunch of tips on self-care, habits, and changing for good.
Why Community is a Powerful Tool for Your Spiritual Growth with Roshni Patel
Roshni Patel is a podcast host, self-worth coach, and advocate for anti-oppression. In our chat, she shares new ways to progress your personal journey through community and showing compassion for others. We talk about failure and the positives that can come from them, and she reminds us that we really can trust that the universe does things for a reason….
Why Manifesting is for Everyone and How to Start it Now with Alan Lazaros
This week, I had a raw conversation with Alan Lazaros, co-host of Next Level University Podcast. We chat about regrets, breath work, pain, and how to create a new life for yourself. Mental work is the hardest work to do, but it's even harder living in fear of the work. The wonderful news is you have the power to make every loss or hardship a gain if you frame it the right way…
How to Create a Personal Energy Shield for Protection
In this post, you’ll learn what a personal energy shield is, how you can create a personal energy shield for protection, and a few simple strategies you can use in low energy situations. If you’re an empath, sensitive to energy interference, or drained when you’re around people this is for you!
Why Humor is the New Spiritual Must Have with Mia Lux
In this week’s episode, Mia Lux shares how humor helps us make the best of uncomfortable situations. She teaches us how to lighten up, lucid dream, and to fail on purpose. Her biggest advice to you: Become friends with discomfort, turn it into a story you can share later, and open up to trying new things.
How to Build an Energetic Energy Shield and Protect Your Power with Angie Fisher
Are you an empath? Someone who’s sensitive to the emotions of other people or your environment? Today we're going to talk about how you can protect your energy and get into vibrational alignment with Angie Fisher.
How to Heal Emotional Pain and Find More Compassion
If you feel like you need freedom and emotional healing, you’re in trance. Do you feel like your emotions are in control of you? In this post, you’ll learn how to get out of trance and develop a happier existence.