How to Create a Personal Energy Shield for Protection

In this post, you’ll learn what a personal energy shield is, how you can create a personal energy shield for protection, and a few simple strategies you can use in low energy situations. If you’re an empath, sensitive to energy interference, or drained when you’re around people this is for you!

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Today we're going to talk about creating an energetic shield for protection from the influence of energy around you. If you're an empath, someone who is sensitive to the emotions of other people, or your environment, oftentimes you can feel like you’re taking in so much and either get overwhelmed, feel down, or constantly drained when you’re around people.

If any of these sound like you then today’s post is for you. We’re going to talk about how you can create a personal energy shield to protect where your energy goes and the kind you receive. Consider this the secret superpower you never knew you could have.

Personal Energy Shield = Protection

Energy is everywhere. You’re created from energy and can generate it in every moment. Your thoughts can grow or shrink it. Your emotions act as interpreters of the kind of energy you’re experiencing. Who you’re around can affect it.

Energy is the way the Universe creates and communicates. Clueing into the quantum field is a part of our biological process. Matter is one, not separate. Which means any of our subatomic level processes can be influenced at any given moment to take any of a variety of paths.

Don’t feel alarmed, my friend. You very much have the power to choose the quality of your earthly experience. You’re a co-creator. Not a passive receiver of energy if you choose not to be. No one can “invade” your space simply because they intend to. You’re the ultimate gatekeeper of your energy.

However, there may be times you have a leak. It can happen because you’re not aware or you allow it to happen. Thankfully, there are a few techniques you can use to repair any leakages.

Why You Need to Protect Your Energy

As a general rule it’s helpful to practice raising your energy every day. The benefits reach far and wide as mentioned in my previous post about what happens when people synchronize their brain patterns. Lynne McTaggart, in The Field*, says that when two people are connected “the pair becomes less highly tuned in to his separate information and more receptive to that of the other. In effect, they pick up someone else’s information from the Zero Point Field as if it were their own.”

In simpler terms, when two people want to establish a connection their brain patterns become synchronized. This adds a lot of oomph to the well-worn saying that you’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Your brain synchronizes with them. Which begs the question: What kind of people are you connecting with?

McTaggart says that “the observer with the greater degree of coherence, or order, influences the probabilistic processes of the less organized recipient. The more ordered…[in the] pair affects some quantum state in the more disordered other and nudges it toward a greater degree of order.” Interpreted for every day use: if you hang around people with higher energy your energy will start to rise. If you start to feel lower energy or emotions when you’re around someone it’s by choice. Higher energy always converts the lower not the other way around. 

It may seem scary or overwhelming to know how to start claiming your energetic power. It’s often why most people live life going through the motions. They’d rather be acted upon so they don’t have to exert the effort needed to live a vibrant life. But don’t let the gap between where you are now and where you want to be scare you.

Even if you expand your energy inch by inch those inches equal the expansiveness of eternity. You don’t need a mile’s worth of progress to protect your energy. You only need a willingness and a few trusty tools. Let’s get more specific about how you can start preventing or blocking unwanted energy.


Shielding Strategies for Protection

Wiliam Braud, a researcher quoted by McTaggart, found it “was possible through psychological ‘shielding strategies’” to block or prevent influences you didn’t want.”

Similar to Joan Borysenko’s idea of having an ‘egg of light’, Braud said “you could visualize a safe or protective shield, or barrier or screen, which would prevent penetration of the influence.” Like a little cocoon of light that dissipates unwanted energies at its borders 🥚.

In one of Braud’s studies he asked participants to ‘shield’ themselves against the influence of two of the experimenters. You can read more about the effects of intention on others here. At the end of the experiment those who shielded had far fewer physical effects.

Shielding Techniques

The Auric Egg Exercise - an easy exercise that involves light visualization and aligning chakras. You breathe in and visualize expanding a warm light to your different chakra centers and by the end feel expansive and calm. This is possibly my favorite visualization when I need an energetic boost.

The Secret of the Golden Flower - a meditation technique that David Paul Kirkpatrick created from the papers and commentary of Carl Jung. Kirkpatrick describes The Secret of the Golden Flower as “an ancient, esoteric treatise that was transmitted orally for centuries before it was ever written down. It formulates a particular kind of meditation, involving the circulation of the ‘Light’ is not only the radiance found in the sun and moon, it is also the luminosity in our own eyes.”

Zipper of Light - this is a technique that Angie Fisher shared with me when I interviewed her on the podcast. She practices this every night before bed and throughout the day when she’s in low energy situations. Use this as a way to protect yourself when you know you’re going into a situation that may not have the best energy.

Step 1: Imagine you have a shield around your energy field. Like a solid ring of light being zipped tight around you with no holes in its boundary.

Step 2: Say to yourself, “Release anything that may have latched on to me that I have taken on that’s not mine and that doesn’t serve me. Release it back to be recycled for the greater good.”

Step 3: Then, say to yourself, “Please bring back to me anything that I may have lost for today or disconnected or for some reason is not in my energy field, and bring it back to me and make me whole and complete” or whatever feels good to you.

These are great tools to have handy if you’re an empath or need to strengthen your light when you know you have to deal with a difficult person. Most times we can’t orchestrate the energy in every situation we’re walking into. But we can prepare and make our light so strong it converts any low energies we come across. If you practice these daily for ten minutes you’ll find yourself feeling more expansive and able to allow unwanted influences to pass right through.

Real Talk

Being an empath is wonderful. Whenever a friend or family member needs support I’m able to be there on a deeper emotional level. But there have been times where I didn’t know how to handle when loved ones felt anxious or angry. If a friend was anxious then I was anxious. If my dad was upset I felt upset until he was better. My happiness became tied to how happy or sad they were. I developed the habit of giving away my inner power like candy.

Early on in my spiritual journey this ‘egg of light’ visual helped me in times of stress. When I entered a situation with anxious energy I’d envision this egg of light gently enveloping me, breathing in it’s comforting effects. Even as someone talked I imagined a divide between us where their toxic energy dissipated as it hit the egg’s barrier. 

At first it was hard to keep it going but with practice I got stronger and stronger until I learned to detach from someone else’s state of being completely. Ten minutes of daily meditation helped me with this, too. Now, I hardly take someone else’s emotional state personally and am able to hold my own energetic ground. Even change their energy. 

As a disclaimer, just because higher energy converts lower energy doesn’t mean we need to stay in toxic situations. It’s smart to remove toxic people from your life as much as possible. Whether that’s someone who’s not a good friend or an employee who kills company morale. But there are certain relationships that aren’t so black and white.

You wouldn’t want to get rid of your mom or husband if they’re going through a rough patch. Or you may have completely toxic parents and want to find a way they can stay in your life. So you work to create boundaries with them. Everyone is at a different place in their journey and may be further behind than you. If you keep your energy high and focus on your own wellbeing then you’ll inspire those around you more than you know. After all, our collective goal is to ‘walk each other home’ as Ram Dass says.


I allow my energy to expand and rise to such high levels it converts lower energies around me. A warm, bright light surrounds me everywhere I go energizing and supporting me and those I love.

Do This Today

Make a list of where you may have leakages to your energy. Whether it’s a draining relationship or an addiction to your phone. Make the list and commit to releasing at least one thing from your life today.

Writing Prompt

At the top of a blank page write “When I allow myself to sink to a lower energy why does that happen? What in me needs to heal or be brought to my attention?” then write freely, without judgment, to see what comes out.


Join The Creative Connection Writing Group.

Book: The Field* by Lynne McTaggart

Book: The Power of Intention* by Dr. Wayne Dyer

Video: The Happy Egg Exercise

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This episode and blog were originally released on November 25, 2020. Re-released on February 15, 2022.

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Francesca Phillips

Francesca Phillips is the founder of The Good Space. She’s obsessed with self-development & helping you cut through the BS so you can live a vibrant life. She has a BA in Psychology, is an entrepreneur, and copywriter. Sign up for The Good Space emails here.

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