How we can change our life by listening to our intuition with Megan Camille
Megan Camille, an intuitive business consultant, built her two 7-figure and multi-6-figure businesses from scratch, relying solely on her intuition and inner guidance. As a mother with no college education, Megan understands firsthand the challenges that come with starting a business from the ground up while raising kids. She was sex trafficked at 19 and managed to leave a toxic and dark situation to create a life she loves today.
Expressing creativity in your own way and being okay with imperfection with Natasha Olaniyan
Natasha Olaniyan, author of How to Meditate with Inky Pathways, is a therapeutic artist and life coach. With a lifelong interest in the mind, body, and spirit, she supports the well-being of others by combining a wide variety of natural healing methods and spiritual practices with art. Listen in as we chat about making creativity accessible, choosing creativity as a form of self-care, slowing down to hear your intuition, and more!
Why families gang up on daughters and outcast them with Stephanie Sellers
Family Mobbing is a phenomenon where daughters in families are estranged or shunned and singled out because they don't follow the family’s explicit or implicit rules. It’s something Stephanie A. Sellers experienced in her own family and why she’s here today to discuss her book, Daughters Healing from Family Mobbing. Stephanie holds a doctorate and has been on the faculty at Gettysburg College since 2000, during which time she was the inaugural director of the Women's Center from 2009 to 2015. She has been a volunteer counselor advocate in shelters and a community organizer for decades.