Our 10 Most Popular Wellness Episodes of 2021
As you get ready to travel for the holidays I want to share our most popular posts/podcast episodes of a year. Feel free to download them ahead of time and enjoy the flight or drive. I’m thankful you’re part of our community and hope you’re able to rest and reset. I can’t wait for more slowness and inner connection in the new year. What about you? Let me know in the comments!
How to Feel Peace if You Feel Overwhelmed by Life
My goal since I’ve lived in New York City is to figure out how to exist in a serene peaceful bubble without needing to move. Life can get crazy so I wanted to talk this week about feeling more peace even when things around you feel hectic. It’s been three years and I’ve gotten better but realized a few key things: feeling peace is a lifelong commitment, slow down, be ok with going against the grain. If you feel like you've been searching for a more peaceful life, this is your sign to go for it. You don't need to wait for everyone else to start. You’ll have wasted so many precious years not having peace.
6 Tips for Coping With Social Anxiety Post-Covid
Hot girl summer. Waxed and vaxxed. The welcome back to society memes are in full force 😂 Yet for some, it can feel like a shock being social again. Or that there’s pressure to over socialize. If that's you then listen to read this post or listen to this episode on coping with social anxiety post-Covid. As much as we needed to transition to life in isolation there’s also a transition time needed for getting back into the fast-paced world. You do you!
Why Doing Nothing is One of the Best Things You Can Do
If life feels heavy and you’re not sure when you’ll come up for air please know you’re not alone and continue reading this post. I’m not going to tell you to buckle up and press the gas pedal. To get thicker skin and strategize more. If that’s what you’re looking for then this post isn’t for you. I’m going to share the complete opposite of what popular practice would tell you. In hopes that you’ll feel relief and hope again.
Powerful Ways to Heal and Embrace Your Sexual Energy with Luci Lampe
This week, the incredible Luci Lampe, mom, author, entrepreneur, and sexual empowerment coach joined me on the podcast to talk about getting comfortable with our sexuality. The topic of sex and sexuality is so often seen as embarrassing or inappropriate, but it shouldn’t be. Luci gets real about why people are uncomfortable with their sexuality, how embracing your sexual energy benefits all aspects of your life, and ways to heal your relationship with sexual energy.
Finding Peace in an Uncertain Time with Kristina Aran
I’m so excited to share this conversation with Kristina Aran, mental health counselor, disability rights advocate, career coach, writer, and entrepreneur. We’re coming up on the one-year mark since the world shut down, and we’re still in a place of uncertainty and anxiety. Kristina and I discuss the emotional toll the global pandemic has taken on us and so many people. We talk about learning to accept the place you’re in and taking care of yourself the right way so that you can still function and be productive and present in uncertain times.