Why it’s Okay to Not Agree with Everyone or Sugarcoat Things with Annie Bowles
I’m joined this week by the host of the News Du Jour podcast & founder of Sugarfree Media, Annie Bowles. She started Sugarfree Media with the intention of speaking her truth and not sugarcoating things anymore. With a career history in politics, Annie noticed a lack of reliable information and news geared towards young women, and has since made it her purpose to fill that hole. We chat about what it means to be “Sugarfree,” how to start finding and consuming the facts, instead of the BS, and how we can start to speak our own truths.
How #DeafBossQueen Kellina is Helping Her Community Thrive with Kellina Powell
This week, Kellina Powell join me for a conversation about her community, the deaf community. Kellina lost her hearing when she was four years old and since has made it her mission to educate and empower others within the deaf community. She tells us her story and why it led her to this work, how the hearing community can provide support and encouragement, and why we need to stop overthinking it when we come across someone who is hard of hearing.
Sex-Positivity: Why Learning to Set Boundaries and Sex Education Matters with Rosalia Rivera
In today’s society, there’s a huge stigma around sexuality and sexual abuse. This week’s guest, Rosalia Rivera, creator of Consent Parenting and host of the AboutCONSENT podcast, is challenging those stigmas by providing the tools and knowledge to take back your strength, and then start teaching your kids as well. She talks about setting boundaries with yourself, educating yourself to educate your children, and why abuse survivors tend to be such high achievers.
Men and Emotions: How to Strengthen Your Emotional Connection with Yourself and Others with Mike Cameron
This week, I was joined by Mike Cameron, CEO, a TEDx speaker, author, and father, for a conversation on his teaching for men to become more emotionally connected, the tragic experience that led him to his calling, and how he turned this tragedy around and was able to accept the calling. This episode is very much for men who crave emotional connection but aren't sure where to start but ALSO for the women who have men in their lives. If you have a husband, brother, or son and you want to understand them better or communicate better, this episode is for you.
How To Embrace Diversity And Include Others Better with Andraéa LaVant
In conversations of spirituality, we often talk about manifesting and how we are 100% responsible for our outcomes. It is also important, however, to call out that not everyone is given the same resources or an equal opportunity to have the best outcome for their life. In order to be truly expansive in our spirituality, we must acknowledge and accept that there are differences within all of us and that we are all capable of openly inviting those differences into our lives.
How to Set Yourself Free Through Forgiveness
Did you know the pain others cause in you isn’t personal? Keep reading to find out why forgiveness may be the missing link to your happiness, why pain isn’t personal, and learn a few coping techniques to use in tough situations.
How to Have Better Relationships and More Wellbeing with Dr. Jody Carrington
Do you notice fear interfering with your relationships and wellbeing? Today, I’m interviewing Dr. Jody Carrington about how connecting with those around you, and improving your relationships with others, can improve the relationship you have with yourself. If you are able to hold space within yourself to be empathetic towards others, it becomes much easier to be empathetic towards your own fears.