5 Beliefs that Sabotage Your Ability to Trust Yourself
Have you felt this way at any point in the last year? Like nothing’s working the way you want it to. Like the law of attraction isn’t working. You find yourself focusing on stress. Focusing on the desire for something. This post is for you. I’m going through a season of spiritual independence and a few listeners in The Good Space community told me they are, too. We’re tired of being spoken AT and are ready to start trusting ourselves more. Keep reading to see what 5 common beliefs sabotage your ability to trust yourself.
6 Ways to Overcome Resistance and Raise Your Energetic Vibration
I’ve been called “The Resistor” several times now because when I don't know something I doubt my ability to make the right choice. But this made me start questioning why that was my default setting. Are you reading this and thinking “wow, I struggle with resistance too?” You know, that feeling of energy being blocked rather than flowing with the tides of life? I’ll take you through why we struggle with resistance, letting go of what feels misaligned, and the 6 Rs of Working Through Resistance. So, what do you resist the most in your life?
Why the Uncomfortable Moments that Test What You Stand for Are Necessary
This week, I’m having a raw conversation with you that has been on my heart for a long time. It wasn’t until I started reading a book my friend recommended and later found out the author is a QAnon sympathizer and anti-vaxxer among other things, that I sat down to finally have this conversation. I want to talk about this eye-opening experience and how it reminded me of the importance of standing for your values and beliefs and being ready to take a stand for them. I want to encourage you to get uncomfortable so that you too can take a stand. I’m getting really honest about what The Good Space stands for and represents and encourage you to step up into what you believe.