Sex-Positivity: Why Learning to Set Boundaries and Sex Education Matters with Rosalia Rivera
In today’s society, there’s a huge stigma around sexuality and sexual abuse. This week’s guest, Rosalia Rivera, creator of Consent Parenting and host of the AboutCONSENT podcast, is challenging those stigmas by providing the tools and knowledge to take back your strength, and then start teaching your kids as well. She talks about setting boundaries with yourself, educating yourself to educate your children, and why abuse survivors tend to be such high achievers.
Powerful Ways to Heal and Embrace Your Sexual Energy with Luci Lampe
This week, the incredible Luci Lampe, mom, author, entrepreneur, and sexual empowerment coach joined me on the podcast to talk about getting comfortable with our sexuality. The topic of sex and sexuality is so often seen as embarrassing or inappropriate, but it shouldn’t be. Luci gets real about why people are uncomfortable with their sexuality, how embracing your sexual energy benefits all aspects of your life, and ways to heal your relationship with sexual energy.