10 Books for Inspiration
Seeking a little extra support on your self-love journey? Wanting to infuse your morning or evening routine with extra gratitude and inspiration? Each of these book recommendations have personally helped me to grow, feel creative, and inspired – and I hope they resonate with you, too!
15 Writing Prompts about Self-Love
Feel like you could use a little extra support on your self-love journey? Wanting to infuse your morning routine with a little extra gratitude? I hope these 15 writing prompts about self-love help you to dive deeper into yourself. Be sure to subscribe to The Good Space Daily to receive inspiring writing prompts straight to your inbox each week!
A Simple Way to Connect to Your Intuition (No Matter Where You Are) with Emily Spang
Did you know your breath directly relates to your quality of life? Powerful thought. Our guest this week, Emily Spang, is the Founder of Haarbor, which creates a space for people to find connection within themselves and outside of themselves through group breathwork and meditation sessions. Emily shares her journey to find breathwork and its powerful ability to transform our relationship with our intention, body and community. She encourages us to focus on our breath, lead life with more feminine energy, and, most importantly, start from within.
Why Micro Habits Matter More Than You Think with Danika Brysha
When it comes to self-care, we often overcomplicate things, thinking we have to make huge changes. Our guest this week, Danika Brysha, Wellness Entrepreneur, Body Positive Fashion Model signed with IMG Models, and a Self-Care + Lifestyle Design Coach, is the perfect person to explain why self-care starts small. She shares how her own journey led to the creation of a self-care checklist and why we should take things one day at a time. Danika encourages us to look inside ourselves and start asking important questions because we already have the answers inside us.
How Harnessing Your Chaos Can Help You Find Your Creative Voice with Rachel Jepsen
Our guest this week, Rachel Jepsen, nonfiction writer and executive editor for Every, is the perfect person to speak on finding your voice and what that looks like. I know many members of the Good Space community have some type of involvement in, and passion for, creativity in some way. For me, that's through my writing and through The Good Space. Rachel shares with us why she feels that "chaos isn’t only necessary to create anything, harnessing chaos is possible and our ultimate creative state." By the end of this post, I hope you’ll feel inspired and encourage to step further into your creative voice.
What is Emotional Trauma and How to Begin Healing with Sarah Baldwin
A while ago, I received a request from a Good Space community member to bring Sarah Baldwin, a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, and an Embodied Coach, on the show! So, this week, she joined me for a conversation I think we could all use, what emotional trauma really is, and how to actually begin healing it. We discuss how to know if you're dealing with your own trauma, where it can stem from, and how we can teach our bodies to feel safe again. Sarah also takes us through how our bodies carry trauma what can happen if trauma does go left untreated and gives practices you can use to begin your own healing.
Why Being Brave for Yourself Can Create a More Connected World with Dr. Jody Carrington
I’m so excited to welcome back Dr. Jody Carrington, our guest from episode 8, for a conversation about connection, relationships, and being brave. As the author of Kids These Days and newly released Teachers These days, we catch up on everything that’s happened since she last joined us and how her mindset and strategy have changed since writing her first book. Jody also shares why connection is more important than ever, especially as we’re adapting to life while the global pandemic continues, and gives us brave actions we can take to start reconnecting.
New Age Spirituality: What to Know and How it Links to Conspiracy Theory with Jules Evans
Our guest this week, Jules Evans, researcher, philosopher, and the person that inspired me to dive into this whole realm of mixing spirituality with conspiracy, joined me for a conversation to talk all things socratic and ecstatic, conspirituality, and creating boundaries in your own spirituality. Jules tells us how a freak skiing accident helped him heal from a life of misadventure with drugs, and led him all the way back to the Stoics of Ancient Greece and the work that he does. We chat about the concept of conspirituality and being able to enjoy spirituality without falling into these more darker areas.
Why it's so Important to Recalibrate and Heal Your Relationship with Yourself with Katie McDonald
In our culture, we develop negative beliefs around self-care and focusing on ourselves. Things like self-care is selfish, taking time for self-care is lazy. But our guest this week, Katie McDonald, creator of b.nourished, had to learn the hard way that taking care of yourself is the only way you can take care of anyone, or anything else. Through illness, burnout, and a deep desperation, Katie came to the hard truth of why recalibrating and healing your own relationship with yourself is really the key to your happiness, your success, etc. She reminds us that we do have permission. “Self Care is not indulgence. Self neglect is selfish.”
How #DeafBossQueen Kellina is Helping Her Community Thrive with Kellina Powell
This week, Kellina Powell join me for a conversation about her community, the deaf community. Kellina lost her hearing when she was four years old and since has made it her mission to educate and empower others within the deaf community. She tells us her story and why it led her to this work, how the hearing community can provide support and encouragement, and why we need to stop overthinking it when we come across someone who is hard of hearing.
Sex-Positivity: Why Learning to Set Boundaries and Sex Education Matters with Rosalia Rivera
In today’s society, there’s a huge stigma around sexuality and sexual abuse. This week’s guest, Rosalia Rivera, creator of Consent Parenting and host of the AboutCONSENT podcast, is challenging those stigmas by providing the tools and knowledge to take back your strength, and then start teaching your kids as well. She talks about setting boundaries with yourself, educating yourself to educate your children, and why abuse survivors tend to be such high achievers.
Why Doing Nothing is One of the Best Things You Can Do
If life feels heavy and you’re not sure when you’ll come up for air please know you’re not alone and continue reading this post. I’m not going to tell you to buckle up and press the gas pedal. To get thicker skin and strategize more. If that’s what you’re looking for then this post isn’t for you. I’m going to share the complete opposite of what popular practice would tell you. In hopes that you’ll feel relief and hope again.
There’s Beauty in Being Exactly Where You Are
We decided to try something a little different this week. And hopefully, for the coming weeks. We thought it would be fun to have little minisodes where I give thoughts or tips or things that I've been learning in hopes that it can also help you. It's something that I have done on Instagram, for many years actually, where I just hop on and share what I'm learning in my entrepreneurship journey, spiritual journey, I usually share things like okay, this is how I'm using affirmations in my life or here's a story about this spiritual principle that changed everything.
3 Ways to Strengthen Your Connection to Yourself
There’s a collective desire right now for us to strengthen our self-connection and trust. But many of us lose our voices because of the constant noise from “influencers” and other outside voices. This is why self-connection becomes so important, so I’m exploring what self-connection really is, why it’s non-negotiable, and three things you can start now to begin the journey of connecting to yourself.