Our 10 Most Popular Wellness Episodes of 2021
As you get ready to travel for the holidays I want to share our most popular posts/podcast episodes of a year. Feel free to download them ahead of time and enjoy the flight or drive. I’m thankful you’re part of our community and hope you’re able to rest and reset. I can’t wait for more slowness and inner connection in the new year. What about you? Let me know in the comments!
How to Simplify Your Life with a Personal Compass with Dr. Amanda Tobe
When you hear people becoming the designers or leaders of their lives it sounds great in theory. But it’s often just that. A theory. How do you begin taking practical steps towards leading your life? I’m so excited to share the answer by welcoming back the amazing Dr. Amanda Tobe who is teaching us how to simplify our lives by creating our own personal compass. Five steps to creating an inner compass that keeps you aligned like a magnet to your truest desires. In this episode, we walk you through each of the five steps and share some of my insights and struggles.