How to Know You're On the Right Path
Do you want to endeavor to live a life you love but feel the pressure to conform and fit in? It's easy to lose connection to our inner signals and know if we're on the right path. How can you start listening to your intuition again? Keep reading to find out!
Credit: Alex Stoddard
“Learning to tune in to your own specialness and consult your inner signals will help point the way to lasting and genuine success.”
1. How important it is to listen to your inner signals
2. What it's like when you're on the right path
3. Three extra resources
In a previous post, we talked about how forgiveness frees up a lot of space for inner exploration. Today’s intention involves continuing inner exploration by connecting to your inner knowing. AKA intuition. When you free up more internal space you’re able to experience the magic of staying in-spirit.
Lately, I’ve felt a shift happening in our society. We’re moving away from dependence on gurus and self-help in favor of looking within. It’s interesting how some people have depended so heavily on outside advice they’ve lost their sense of self. The truth is you have all the answers you need inside of you. You know what’s best for you.
Think of a time you felt frustrated when something a friend or thought leader suggested didn’t work. You may have wondered: Am I doing something wrong? Are they not as insightful as I thought? In reality, your inner wisdom was trying to give you the answer the whole time. You just didn’t know how to process it on a conscious level.
I’m hoping to change that. Are you ready to embark on a path of radical self knowing? Keep reading my friend.
For many years, I was terrified to connect to my inner signals. The ego had me wrapped around its fickle finger. Making me believe I’d have to quit my job, leave my relationship, or do something crazy if I connected within. Crazy right?
Not to the ego. It was celebrating the fact it was “protecting” me from anything deemed even a little bit risky. Since learning about the nature of resistance, ego, and flow I’ve come to cherish the connection to my inner signals. That means accepting that wherever it guides me is for my highest good.
Or being willing to let go of people or situations in favor of listening. Living a life of non-attachment like Eckhart Tolle and Wayne Dyer preach. It feels counterintuitive that the path to your greatest desire involves letting go more and using your intuition. But it’s true. We’re taught to believe that success involves back breaking hard work and outsmarting others. What if neither is true?
Here’s an excerpt from a “Notes from the Universe” email created by Mike Dooly that perfectly illustrates this concept:
“Those folks, Francesca, who meet with life success and then tell the world it was due to their hard work, really make my job challenging. They almost NEVER work harder than others. They don't even work smarter than others.
They simply leveraged the magic by thinking, speaking, and acting in line with what they wanted.
But, oh, no, they have to go out and tell impressionable minds that it was their hard work, and so, for all who listen and nod, it becomes hard work.
Leverage the magic, Francesca -
The Universe”
Are you ready to leverage the magic? Success comes from consulting your inner signals and allowing things to flow to you without force. Let’s see what it feels like when you’re on the right path.
While some studies claim that “people’s ability to judge the veracity of their intuitions may be limited.”1 there are others that confirm its opposite. For example, with impression formation people are shown to be surprisingly accurate even when given little information to work with. AKA you have an innate ability to sense things.
It’s interesting to note that when we use the conscious mind to judge we’re in the egoic part of the brain. But when we make an impression about someone in a split second that’s more of the subconscious part of the brain at work. Your brain is picking up signals every second and most of it is subconscious.
This reminds me of the times I watch Jeopardy, the fast action trivia game, with my husband. There were moments where both of us knew the correct answer and had no idea how or why. It’s because over the years our subconscious mind picked up bits of knowledge. Then when we needed to access it the subconscious would shoot the information into our consciousness.
Your inner world knows no limits. It’s the ego and senses that do.
When all is said and done how do you know if you’re on the right path? Oprah defined this perfectly so I’ll drop her quote here:
“How do you know whether you’re on the right path? The same way you know when you’re not: You feel it. Each of us has a personal call to greatness—and because yours is as unique to you as your fingerprint, no one can tell you what it is . . . Your life is speaking to you every day, all the time—and your job is to listen up and find the clues. Passion whispers to you through your feelings, beckoning you toward your highest good. Pay attention to what makes you feel energized, connected, stimulated—what gives you your juice. Do what you love, give it back in the form of service, and you will do more than succeed. You will triumph.”
Your purpose isn’t a hidden mystery. It’s about unraveling anything that isn’t you. Becoming a true, un-manipulated version of yourself. True authenticity.
In Happiness is the Way*, Dr. Wayne Dyer says, “It is about just going out there and being the person you want to be without any feelings of being manipulated by anyone else. Not being someone who feels they have to conform and fit in and do what everybody else thinks they should be doing is perhaps the greatest freedom you can have.”
That’s where you start. Forget for a second about the money, the success, the future. If you can’t be the person you want to be without manipulation then nothing else matters. Start figuring out how to care less about what others think. Create space in your life to explore your creative impulses.
Next week, we’ll talk more about going within.
I trust everything happens for my highest good. I release outcomes and attachments and let my spirit roam free.
Pray to receive insight into how to follow your inner signals. Pay attention to the gentle nudges and allow yourself to follow them.
At the top of a page write “What’s holding me back from becoming the truest expression of myself?”. Then write without judgment or thought.
Book: Happiness is the Way* by Dr. Wayne Dyer
Article: How to Set Yourself Free Through Forgiveness
Study: Can People Judge the Veracity of Their Intuitions?
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