What You Need To Know Right Now About Intuition
What’s the most important thing you could do right during Covid-19? Learn why thinking and feeling for yourself is crucial and how to go from being a doer to listening and trusting your intuition.
“Your inner guide is a loving teacher who knows exactly how to communicate with you so his or her message will resonate. This teacher is creative, wise, and very patient.”
Here’s what you’ll learn from this post:
1. The importance of thinking and feeling for yourself
2. How to go from being a doer to learning how to listen to and trust intuition
3. The Four Messages of Alignment
In today’s post, we’re going to get real. As real as intuition is so are the ego’s efforts to mask it. With the crazy turn the world took during Covid-19 our intuitions are trying to speak louder than ever. Through this mandated outer stillness we can be ready as ever to hear our inner truth. Keep reading to hear about the importance of intuition during these crazy times and how to align and be open to its guidance.
Enough is enough
This section might ruffle a few feathers. Which I’m ok with because as I prayed to my intuition on how to write this post the following words flowed.
Lately, it’s become apparent how many people wear a mask that looks like spirituality but are actually misguided meanderings. Not that it’s up to me or you to judge but sometimes when the alarm bells ring there’s a reason.
Some self-proclaimed spiritualists make exaggerated, woo woo sounding statements to feel they’re making a splash or strong statement. When really, they’re jumping on the commercialized spiritual bandwagon. Most are harmless but I’ve seen statements made that could harm one’s health if followed.
There’s too much unfounded, group-think information out there under the guise of “spiritual awakening”. Some people are desperate to feel fulfilled and loved. They do and say what the community does to feel less alone or lost. Be wary of people who say radical things that aren't backed by sound research.
Always question where someone’s motive lies and have your own filtering process. For most spiritual writers I’m skeptical until proven otherwise. If their words feel true that helps but I also research them extensively.
Don’t get me wrong. A lot of information out there is good. True spiritual awakening is life-changing. World-changing. There are a lot of wonderful, amazing teachers out there.
It feels appropriate to call this out so you can understand the importance of connecting to your intuition. My goal is to give you content that makes you feel empowered and awakened. But never at the cost of taking away your right to choose or think for yourself. I want you to learn how to become so rooted to your inner knowing that you live life fully yourself. Without manipulation or feeling like you need to conform.
Thinking (feeling) for yourself
Not that every expert needs a PhD. Inspiration flows through souls from all walks of life no matter their education. But if I’m reading a book about medical conditions those are the moments I’d expect the person to be credentialed. There’s a reason we’ve been blessed with intellect and intuitive knowing. Combining the two becomes even more powerful.
The fact you’re reading this says a lot about you because The Good Space isn’t your average spiritual stop. I’m ALL about some woo and can dig deep into spiritual concepts. But I also stand for thinking (feeling) for yourself. Everything I read and teach here comes from a mix of sound resources and intuitive knowing.
Even then, I encourage you to ask if what you read feels true or right to you. If it’s a post on The Good Space or anywhere else. Early on in my spiritual journey I thought something was wrong with me if a concept or statement written in a spiritual book or post felt off. Then I realized it was my intuition revealing what was true to me.
My hope is you become connected enough to your intuition that you’re open to its guidance. That you accept and embrace when something is wrong for you, and stand by it, even when it seems like everyone else is on board.
Alright, we got that out of the way. Still here? Then let’s see why the biggest accomplishment you can make is trading the desire to do and to listen and trust your intuition instead.
Stop believing you’re the doer
If someone told you to stop doing and instead listen in order to create a life you love what comes to mind? Are you relieved? Anxious?
Years ago, I would’ve felt massive anxiety. My life had been so intertwined with doing and forcing it felt scary to think that being was the answer. Especially when everyone around me were doers.
Yet, Wayne Dyer reminds us in his book, Inspiration, that “We came from a quiet, peaceful place that’s the very essence of creation, so when our mind is filled with noisy dialogue, we shut out the possibility of remembering our Spirit.” It becomes clear that quieting your mind allows for connection to intuition.
There are many ways to quiet one’s mind. We won’t dive super deep but some great practices are morning routines, meditation, and yoga. Even taking walks or washing dishes by hand relaxes the ping pong nature of the ambitious mind. It also helps to question the beliefs you hold.
Wayne Dyer says, “We just need to stop believing that we’re the doer, and instead learn to listen to and trust our inner intuition–which, of course, is guiding us in collaboration with the creative power of the Universe.” To stop believing that doing is the answer seems easy enough. It may take a lot of practice but I bet it would be nice to sit back, listen, and create without backbreaking effort.
But, learning to listen to and trust your inner intuition? Whoa k 🤚🏻That’s where you may feel a little stuck or overwhelmed. Although listening to and trusting your inner intuition is a lifelong process the next few sections will go into ways to be open to its guidance and later how to get into alignment.
Being ready for the teacher
The first step to leading an intuitive life is a simple concept: be ready and open to guidance. When your spirit becomes open enough to receive wisdom your intuition can guide you. It’s a powerful back and forth that requires zero effort on your part. Just a willingness to trust and receive.
As Wayne Dyer says, “It’s been known for millennia that ‘when the student is ready, the teacher will appear.’...The real question is our readiness to tune in to what they have to teach us. The key word here is readiness—that is, we must be open to all possibilities and trusting in our intuitive hunches.”
The first time I experienced a deep connection to my intuition was after a simple and quiet prayer. I was at a point in my life where I wanted to get to the next level. In relationships and work except I didn’t know how. So I prayed to know how. That the path to the person I’m meant to become would be illuminated through promptings, books, people, and whatever God felt.
At first, it felt confusing knowing the difference between intuition and the mind. I worried I’d miss a message or never understand when Spirit was speaking to me. Then I finally learned the Spirit never makes communication difficult. As Gabby Bernstein says, “Your inner guide is a loving teacher who knows exactly how to communicate with you so his or her message will resonate. This teacher is creative, wise, and very patient.”
The Spirit always speaks to you in a way you understand. It will never confuse or hide. Gabby Bernstein helps illuminate this principle when she says, “That guidance shows up when we pray because we attune our awareness to it, and once we’re consciously open to receive, guidance can come in many forms. It may come through a song, a book, a friend, a strong intuitive knowing, or a religious leader.”
The four messages of alignment
Here are ways you can tell whether you’re aligned or not. Whether it’s through feelings or people there’s a constant stream communicating with you always. The four messages of alignment that the intuition uses is summed up perfectly in Wayne Dyer’s book, Inspiration:
Alignment of Feelings - feeling good means you’re aligned with Spirit. It’s a better indicator of your overall health and wellbeing than anything else. This is why making sure joy is your job is so important. If you want to lead an intuitive life being connected is crucial. What a great God we have! He rewards us for feeling good.
Alignment with Nature - “Everything in nature is in-Spirit—it isn’t spoiled by ego, nor can it ever be. So when nature speaks to us, we should listen intently.”
Alignment with Events - these are moments most people would call “coincidences” but you know are touches with God. For example, as I prepare to launch a podcast I remember thinking I wanted to research how to be a great interviewer. The next day, an email popped in my inbox with a link on that exact topic. Or there may have been times you were recommended a book from a friend. Later that day you see it being advertised then see someone carrying it. It keeps popping up in your life. These aren’t to be dismissed as accidental.
Alignment with People - have you ever thought of someone and they keep popping into your head then soon after they call or message you? “The language of Spirit works by aligning our thought energy with the vibrational energy of another.” Take note when your inner thoughts align with the vibration of someone else. Maybe that person has an answer you need. Or maybe the Spirit wants you to bless them.
I embrace my inner knowing with complete surrender and love. I allow it to guide me down the path to my highest good.
Do This Today
Pick one of the Four Messages of Alignment and focus on it this week. Whether that’s making joy your job or getting out in nature. Observe in what way your intuition speaks to you.
Writing Prompt
“How is my intuition trying to guide me today? What do I need to know right now?”
3 Resources
Book: Inspiration - Your Ultimate Calling* by Dr. Wayne Dyer
Article: How to Know You’re On the Right Path
Book: Judgment Detox: Release the Beliefs That Hold You Back from Living A Better Life* by Gabrielle Bernstein
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