Why You Want to Listen to The Good Space Podcast
The purpose of this episode is to share the intention behind the podcast. More about who I am. And what you can expect moving forward. This podcast was created mainly because it’s the #1 thing readers of our weekly blog posts asked for. I realize many of you are busy, driven people who love the weekly posts but want a different way to consume the info when you’re on the go.
“When we don’t listen to our intuition, we abandon our souls. And we abandon our souls because we are afraid if we don’t, others will abandon us. We’ve been raised to question what we know to discount and discredit the authority of our gut.”
Removing Spiritual Barriers
The deeper intention, however, behind The Good Space is to remove any barriers you may have to learning spiritual principles and using them to create a peaceful and intuitive life. I’ve met many people who said they were curious about spirituality and having better energy. But as soon as they started searching online they felt overwhelmed and confused. They struggled to understand how the broad theoretical information could influence their real life on a day to day basis.
The funny thing is my husband Matt is the one who ultimately inspired me to start The Good Space. It was because of him the ah-ha moment happened. So here’s how it goes...
Back in 2015, we started living abroad in Zurich, Switzerland for his job. He’s a lawyer and as you can imagine his work can be stressful and demanding. I couldn’t legally work so I was running an online clothing resale business that operated in the States as well as experimenting with my love of writing. I started doing a lot of Instagram lives on my personal account and writing articles about law of attraction, intuition, and more.
On the night of the inspiration we were in Geneva for his work. Matt was completely wiped from exhaustion after a long day. It was around 11pm or midnight in our dark hotel room. He went to use the bathroom as I was falling asleep. When he came back into the room, it’s still pitch dark, and he says, “Honey. You talk a lot about manifesting, energy, and alignment. But how do you do it? I don’t have the time or capacity to read all the books you’re reading. So if you could tell me 3 things I could do tomorrow to help me experience what you’re talking about what would it be?”
The “ah-ha!” Moment
That’s when the lightbulb went off. The ah-ha moment. My heart was also pounding so hard it felt like a boxer was hitting it. My husband was curious about manifesting and alignment?! Mister science and intellectual?! “I better make this count” was the first thought I had. So I ended up telling him to let me think about it and get back to him. But that night my mind was racing.
There were people out there missing out on a joyful and mindful life because they felt overwhelmed. Nervous. Unsure. This was unacceptable. No one should have to continue feeling worried, stressed, and hopeless because they think this information is out of reach. Untouchable. Or something that requires hours and months to get.
That’s when I knew there needed to be a place online that simplifies spiritual wellness. Where spiritual concepts are broken down in a way that’s practical, usable right now, and refreshing. The information needs to feel approachable.
You deserve to live as your most authentic self. Without manipulation from others. Without the pressures or influences from society. The world needs the gifts you have. I want you to be able to develop them and use them with game-changing power.
Consider The Good Space your translator that turns woo woo ideas into actionable steps. The goal is to keep it real. Not the ivory tower, theory stuff, but how can the average person incorporate this info into their lives.
We’ll talk about a mix of topics like intuition, ego, law of attraction. Also about how to be mindful and productive. I believe that being deliberate with your time is owning the fact that life is sacred and showing you value the sacredness of it. It goes hand in hand with mindfulness.
You Don’t Have to Hustle
Many people struggle with staying too safe and complacent or hustling to the point of burnout. Finding that sweet spot can be tough. The goal here is to help you find the good space in your life. In your work, relationships, and family. It’s easy to become so wrapped up in the ‘doing’ part of life that you forget how to stay energetically aligned and present in the everyday. I want to show you don’t need burnout to succeed. That through taking the time to “be” first you show up in the “doing” part of life with more power and fulfillment.
To be clear, being interested in spirituality doesn’t mean you have to all of a sudden change your job, leave a relationship, or start a new life. True intentional living and mindfulness means you live your life lightly. With the least resistance as possible. You have intentional habits and tools that take you through your day with the most ease. However that looks for you.
I want this to be a public space for you to explore truth and feel safe doing it. I hope the conversations created here feel like a chat with a friend and like you don’t have to do this alone.
So who am I?
Meet Your Host
My name’s Francesca Phillips and I’ve been a creative spirit and natural connector ever since I can remember. I’m from Tucson, AZ. You’d always find me writing in my journal, creating songs, and starting my own girl groups to perform with. It was the Spice Girls era.
After high school, I moved to Los Angeles to pursue a dream to become a singer and songwriter. Before getting my first job in the music industry, I worked at a bank as a teller. And went to school full time for my bachelor’s degree in Psychology. Self-development and psychology has always been a second love of mine to music. I read all the books and also ran a mastermind group before it was a buzzword.
After a year and a half, I got my first job at a popular songwriting production company (Rock Mafia Records), managing the day to day for a girl group they signed. They were also writing songs at the time for Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez, among others. I got the job through a connection I kept in contact with for six months. She got a big executive job at ASCAP and asked me to take her spot. Networking is powerful people! And a note as well that patience is powerful. It took six diligent months of reaching out, offering help, checking in.
After a year or so, I started working for the music manager who managed the girl group at Rock Mafia. He also managed Ciara and Mindless Behavior. In the past, his clients ranged from BSB, Janet Jackson, and more. I’d go to numerous live shows, music video shoots, meetings, and even tapings of Keeping Up With the Kardashians which the girl group had guest appearances on.
Waking Up Depressed in Europe
You know what sucked? After 6 years, I realized I didn’t feel happy going down the path I was. I tried songwriting but didn’t like the environment or people. I tried managing but didn’t want to do that either. The straw that broke the camel’s back was when my boss threw me under the bus when I tried to go work for Scooter Braun.
I met Scooter at an award show and we later had an amazing phone conversation. He invited me to come to his company bbq and potentially start working with him. When he asked if my boss knew I was meeting with him I told him no. But that out of loyalty I would tell him.
Wrong move. My boss ended up yelling then calling Scooter and saying everything he could about me. His pride was hurt. At the time I felt bad and didn’t show up to the BBQ. The person I am now? I would’ve shown up and kept going.
Because Scooter was one of the few people I met who actually cared. He was doing good things in the business and if I couldn’t be a part of it then I didn’t want to at all. That’s when I got my first temp marketing job. I figured it was still writing and seemed fun. Shortly after that I worked for a tech company for a few months then got engaged and moved to Switzerland for my now husband’s job.
My whole life at that point felt like a bunch of restarts. Although I felt blessed to have the experiences I did in music, then getting married and LIVING in Europe when I had only dreamed of visiting I still woke up depressed. It felt like my life would never make sense and I wouldn’t figure out what I was supposed to do.
After being sick of waking up at 11 am and watching Gossip Girl all day in our tiny Zurich studio apartment I decided to try a morning routine. It was something I read about online and that a few friends swore by. That’s when everything changed.
The Morning Routine that Changed It All
I started waking up earlier naturally and feeling excited about the day. I didn’t feel as scared to explore the city and felt inspired again. I also read a lot of books. My inner life felt alive again. I still felt alone though. Disconnected from my family and friends physically and craving a way to talk about everything I was learning. That’s when the idea to start Bloom Daily Blog came about. A blog that was meant to share books, thoughts, and ideas with people who loved growth as much as I did. I started writing weekly blog posts, editing and ghostwriting for clients, and learning more about marketing.
I kept growing Bloom Daily Blog. But after a few years I felt stagnant. As if a big stop sign was placed in my path. After much prayer and staying silent to listen that’s when I received the ah-ha moment in Geneva. I knew where I needed to pivot to.
Ok. Now that we have that out of the way here’s what to expect. A new show will be released every Tuesday and will alternate between solo shows which are around 20 minutes and interviews with experts and interesting/inspiring people 45-50 minutes.
I believe in training our minds to think differently by listening to affirmations so I’ll include some in each episode for you to practice new thoughts. I’ll also answer listener questions so if you want to be mentioned in the show post your question in the comments! Make sure to subscribe, too.
AAAND if you want to jumpstart your life and feel excited again I have an AMAZING morning routine guide that teaches you exactly how to make your own. You’ll love it. Alright, I hope you enjoyed this intro and the episodes that are ahead. See you soon my friend!