Creativity is dying. Why we need to save it and what we can do.
Creativity is proven essential for happiness and positively influences well-being. Yet, it’s dying every day with the way our world runs. How can we make this important part of our lives more of a priority? Keep reading to learn why there’s a crisis, an example of ultimate creativity (Taylor’s version), and five tips to nurture your creativity.
Understanding and honoring the creative self with Taryn Scali
Today, I brought back my best friend, Taryn, to talk about the creative self and how important it is to have an outlet in your life. Creativity has always been a big part of our relationship. We met in Los Angeles years ago while pursuing singing and songwriting. To this day we both prioritize our creativity even when it’s been hard to. I felt especially impressed to talk about the importance of stories and claiming our experience by living in them (as inspired by Stephanie Sellers) and I'm more committed now than ever to living a creative life.
4 Myths About Creativity we Need to Debunk Right Now
Do you feel like the act of creating requires a ton of time? Or that, in order to really be creative, you have to make it your job? Maybe you’re constantly seeking validation for your work. Or you feel like you can’t create until some big idea comes to you. The common issue? Resistance. So, for this week, I’m tearing down each of these myths and giving you different ways to let go of that resistance and just get creating!