How to Use Your Dreams to Manifest More
What are some ways we can manifest and tune into intention more? Keep reading to discover the power of dreams in discovering the deeper field of possibility…
“Your dreams are manifestations of your vibrational point of attraction, so you can evaluate your dreams to determine what you are really doing with your vibration...and then if you do not wish to live out the dream you have been dreaming, you can do something about changing it.
1. The easiest (and most fun) way to visualize what you want in life
2. How you can use your dreams to see if you’re on the right track
3. Three resources for further studying
Give Yourself SPACE
In previous posts, I’ve talked about how stillness allows us to create the foundation we need to make decisions with more intention and impact. The ego likes it easy. It’s happiest when you’re living on autopilot and distracting yourself from doing the real work. Think about the times you’d rather fold the laundry than sit down and write.
Your ego is at play in those moments. It wants ease over effort every time. The feeling of being in constant, busy motion appeases the ego even though nothing important is getting done. It doesn’t know better. But thankfully your higher self does.
By creating time for stillness, every day, we allow our highest self the space it needs to guide us. Aside from a morning routine, my favorite way to stay aligned and energized is through energy pit stops. That means every 50 minutes taking a break with water, energetic reset exercises, and asking myself what’s the most important thing to get done in the next hour.
Otherwise, let’s move into today’s post and get into the nitty-gritty of Intention by zooming out a bit.
The Power to Manifest
Dr. Wayne Dyer describes Intention as “the power to manifest, to create, to live a life of unlimited abundance, and to attract into your life the right people at the right moments.” Before we go deeper into what it means to manifest, create, and live a life of unlimited abundance it helps to have the foundational understanding and ability to dream.
You’ll hear many spiritual, law of attraction type books mention the importance of paying attention to your preferences. Your likes and dislikes, to better know how to discover what your happiest life looks like. Yet, your ego’s greatest desire is to keep you going through the motions in a predictable, routine (and safe) way. It hinders your ability to think outside of your self-imposed box.
That’s where dreaming comes in. The easiest (and most fun) way to acknowledge and visualize what you do want in life is to dare to dream.
Let’s dive into this a little bit more…
Dreaming provides a gateway into the power of Intention much like gratitude. Think of how difficult it would be to feel like you’re attracting or manifesting anything if you didn’t dream beyond your past or current circumstances. Aside from appreciating what already is, there’s nothing more soul-expanding than allowing yourself to dream.
During those magical moments, you relax more and loosen the tight grip of control over your ‘what ifs’ and fears. The ego feels more at ease. Which then gives your highest self more breathing room to inspire you and open the flow of wellbeing and desire into your life once again. Now that you know some of the benefits of awakened dreaming, let’s switch over to talking about the type of dreaming that happens when we sleep.
Catching Those Possibilitie-zzz’s
During a dream state, your brain enters an altered state of consciousness similar to the type brought on by meditation. You’re operating in a mode that allows a hallucinatory-type state which allows you to tap deeper into the field of possibility. To make it more tangible Lynne McTaggart shares in The Field* that “children under five show that they permanently function in alpha mode–the state of altered consciousness in an adult–rather than the beta mode of ordinary mature consciousness.”
This means they’re in a constant hallucinatory state which explains why children have been known to remember past lives or can’t “distinguish his own experiences from someone else’s information” as McTaggart describes. They basically accidentally tune into someone else’s radio station and are more receptive to the frequencies around them.
Pretty cool. But what if we’re an adult?
McTaggart talks extensively about the work of William Braud, a behaviorist who liked anomalies, on the idea of influence. He said that in ordinary perception our ability to tap into the Zero Point Field (consciousness/possibility) is limited. But when we’re meditating or dreaming we expand the range of frequencies we tap into. AKA: When we’re relaxed we can tap into a broader range of frequencies.
Now, this may seem a little out there and it’s understandable. But doesn’t it make you think about the broader implications of dreams both the conscious and unconscious kind? Both types may be more intertwined than we realize.
McTaggart defines The Zero Point Field as the medium that enables “molecules [to] speak to each other nonlocally and virtually instantaneously”. Meaning at subatomic levels molecules can communicate and physically influence one another even if they’re thousands of miles apart. When it comes to the question of whether our thoughts and dreams reside outside our brain Karl Pribram, neurosurgeon and researcher at Yale and Stanford University, theorized that “when we observe the world, we do so on a much deeper level than the sticks-and-stones world ‘out there’.”
He said our brain and body communicate through wave interference. Much like how radio can transfer information over certain frequencies our bodies use the ‘spectral-domain’ which is “the language of phase, amplitude and frequency.” Basically, we’re able to see objects and interact with them because we’re resonating with and becoming in sync with them.
This could go even deeper but we’ll stay here for now. If you want to learn even more make sure you buy a copy of The Field*.
Using Your Dreams to Manifest
Whew! That was a big dose of woo sprinkled with a dash of science but it helps set the stage better. If you’re ready to use your dreams as a tool to manifest and see if you’re intending/attracting what you want Abraham Hicks shares a simple practice:
“As you go to bed, consciously acknowledge that your dreams accurately reflect your thoughts. Say to yourself, it is my intention to rest well and to awaken refreshed. And if there is anything important for me to recall from my dream state, I will recall it when I awaken.
Then, as you awaken, before you get up, lie there for a few minutes and ask yourself, Do I remember anything from my dream state?…as you begin to recall one of your dreams, relax and try to remember how you felt during the dream sequence…”
If you awake from a good-feeling dream you can feel assured that the dominant thoughts you’re having are pointed toward what you do want. If the emotion feels bad then it means your thoughts are in the process of attracting something you do not want.
Remember, throughout the day we decide which thoughts to pay more attention to than others. Think of them like clouds passing by in the sky. Abraham Hicks says that “When you dream about something, it is always a match to the thoughts that you have been thinking…it is not possible for you to dream about anything that you have not created through your thoughts.”
Pretty neat, right? Here’s another thought to chew on…
The Importance of Having A Dream
Imagine a waking dream that keeps coming back to you: Writing that book, opening that business, or showing up with more energy in your relationships. The idea that sits in your mental background while the ego and instant gratification monkey distracts you with meaningless, mundane tasks so you stay comfortable.
You can keep ignoring the call and doing more mundane tasks to avoid the hard work of change. Or you can favor the mystical and start to take your dreams more seriously. Any idea or impression you have is flowing to you on purpose and trying to manifest itself through you. In the chapter about sharing dreams* McTaggart talks about an Amazonian group of Indians who act out a daily morning ritual before dawn where they share their dreams with each other. They believed that:
“the individual dreamer is simply the vessel the dream decided to borrow to have a conversation with the whole tribe…It is a forecaster of what is to come for all of them. In dreams, they connect with their ancestors and the rest of the universe. The dream is what is real. It is their waking life that is the falsehood.”
What if your dream chose you as the vessel to communicate with your tribe? The world? This is the power of a dream. You must allow them to unfold within your soul and then take aligned, intentional action every moment you can. It’s through the act of dreaming you manifest at a quicker and more powerful rate and therefore can see your intentions become more impactful.
I allow myself to dream and wander beyond the boundaries my ego has created. I pay attention to what I like and what I dislike so I can more clearly dream about where I want to go.
Before you go to bed, do the exercise Abraham Hicks suggest so you can check in on where your vibrational alignment is. Is your dream good-feeling or bad-feeling?
At the top of a page write “What are my biggest dreams? How do I envision taking action towards them today and this week?”
Book: The Power of Intention* by Wayne Dyer
Book: The Field* by Lynne McTaggart
Planner: Ponderlily Planner (Our favorite intentional tool)
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