What You Need to Know About The Power of Intention
The essence of God (Source) is pure, unbounded energy that can’t be measured. At our most subatomic level we, too, are this formless energy and have the innate power to direct it into a coherent, tangible form through the power of our intention.
“In the universe there is an immeasurable, indescribable force which shamans call intent, and absolutely everything that exists in the entire cosmos is attached to intent by a connecting link.”
1. Why we tend to lose our sense of self
2. What Intention is and how it can be deactivated
3. How to strengthen attracting thoughts
The essence of God (Source) is pure, unbounded energy that can’t be measured. At our most subatomic level we, too, are this formless energy and have the innate power to direct it into coherent, tangible form through the power of our intention. Yet we struggle to connect to this truth because as kids we were taught to care more about fitting in and following the path others say we should.
Let’s take a quick and gentle reality check.
When you were born you had zero doubts that you created your own reality. As Wayne Dyer said, “Every aspect of nature, without exception, has intention built into it, and as far as we can tell, nothing in nature questions its path of intent.”
What an interesting thing to think about. That nature never questions its path of intent. Imagine when you were a kid dreaming without limits, walking through the world as an authentic, pure version of yourself. You didn’t question.
Abraham Hicks, in her book Ask and It Is Given*, says that you lose your authentic sense of self when you integrate into society and accept the picture that others held about the way your life should unfold. It’s not that you enjoyed being told to ignore your powerful impulses. It just became difficult to, as Hicks says, to resist the pressure from others who thought their “practiced way was more valid than your way”.
Why do we allow this to happen? Aside from the already curious and malleable nature of a child, it’s much easier to give in than to resist. We know the ego loooves easy and wants to feel included and like you fit in. Fitting in feels safer.
Although your foundation of the freedom to create may be weakened it doesn’t mean it’s completely gone. You only need to peel away the layers created by outside influences and realign with your Source and its universal laws. Which we’ll touch on further into this post.
As Abraham Hicks aptly states, “this time-space reality on Planet Earth serves as a platform in which you [are] able to focus your perspective for the purpose of specific creation.” So what I’m hearing is that Earth is a co-creation playground and that once you realign, you can abundantly create again. Cool, cool, cool.
Let's not wait another second then!
Wayne Dyer describes Intention as “a strong purpose or aim, accompanied by a determination to produce a desired result…[it’s] a power that’s present everywhere…”. Earlier we talked about how we’re particles at a subatomic level. That objects of mass exist because an intelligence willed them so. Intention isn’t a physical action, per say, but a force.
Another way to think of Intention comes from Carlos Castaneda:
“Intent is a force that exists in the universe. When sorcerers (those who live of the Source) beckon intent, it comes to them and sets up the path for attainment, which means that sorcerers always accomplish what they set out to do.”
When we live in alignment with Source and act as partners with Intention the path to our desires unfolds. Now that I have your Intention senses tingling let’s talk about how this works.
Not to get all Harry Potter on you but Wayne Dyer says that “activating intention means rejoining your Source and becoming a modern-day sorcerer.” Yes, please 🙋🏻♀️ But what does that entail?
The key to activating Intention lies in the thoughts and beliefs you’re focusing the most attention on. You possess the ability to create anything by fixing your thoughts on what you desire.
The law of attraction queen, Ms. Abraham Hicks, says that “Whatever you are giving your attention to causes you to emit a vibration, and the vibrations that you offer equal your asking, which equals your point of attraction.” When you focus your attention, you’ll naturally offer a vibration, and only things that emit the same level of energy are attainable. We’re in the business of matching energies.
Attention = attraction.
Before we float away on the clouds of Intention there is a stipulation. Staying aligned and manifesting what you desire depends on how your attention is being placed. If you’re focusing on something you don’t have yet and you focus your attention on the lack of it your vibration will continue to match the vibration of not having it. So you’ll continue to draw more of not having it.
Say you’re intending to make $100,000 this year but your daily focus is on how little you’re making and how far you have to go. You think you’re focused on having that amount but in reality you’re unknowingly sending vibrations that equal the energy of not having the $100,000.
That one may feel like a doozy. If you want a post dedicated to this specific part of Intention leave a comment on this post. Otherwise, keep reading to learn how you know what it is you're attracting.
This will come as no surprise that the ego is the biggest obstacle to activating Intention. After some good ole conditioning you learned to believe that who you are is based on societal identity markers like possessions, social circles, career, and reputation. A pattern passed down from generation to generation. Except the fact you’re reading this article shows you have the potential to stop the cycle and turn the page to a new way of thinking.
A few other ways we deactivate the power of Intention include:
Attaching your identity to an affiliation. You see this all the time with sports and politics. People can’t have a calm conversation when the pride of their “team” is at stake. When someone is so attached to a political party or sports team it’s because they’ve staked their identity on it.
Believing you’re separate from everyone. The fact you have a body makes you feel separate which disempowers you. Manifesting requires the belief that everything is one. Connected.
Anytime we cling to something outside of ourselves we’re caving into the ego’s desire and missing out on the divine power that lies within. The hope lies in the beauty of being given free agency. We can always choose whether we’re flowing with Universal Spirit or unfolding towards the ego.
At first, it can feel daunting and overwhelming to switch spiritual gears when you’ve been used to the ease of the ego. Do not fret. The best place to start is exactly where you’re at. Focus on introducing new, smaller habits into your life over time. Eventually, your spiritual stamina will grow and everything you think, say, or do will come from an aligned place.
You can always use the emotions you’re feeling now as an indicator of what kind of energy you’re gravitating towards. Then if it’s not going in the direction you want to travel you can realign yourself at any given moment. If you’re not connected to God (Source) then you’re likely putting power behind the ego.
When you’re focused on the egoic nature you cut off the supply of well-being that’s naturally flowing to you. You’ll feel lower energy emotions like hopelessness, fear, loss, and confusion. When you’re open and connected to God (Source) you feel higher energy emotions like gratitude, optimism and joy. It’s through what you’re feeling that you’ll know the direction you’re heading.
If you’re feeling lower energies you only need to be open to aligning with Source’s flow again. Aim for the next best emotion and before you know it you’ll find yourself in a higher energy range. See the energy graph posted in this post to see a visual representation.
Now that you know the importance of focusing on what you’re feeling you must give yourself the grace to start. It takes time to learn how to raise your vibrations in a consistent way. Rather than thinking of this from the lens of “stopping old habits” think of it as focusing on learning new ones.
As Abraham Hicks says, “When you give your attention to anything, the vibration, at first, is not very strong but if you continue to think about it or speak about it, the vibration gets stronger.”
Wayne Dyer does such a great job giving simple, tangible tips to activating intention I can’t help but quote this next section from his book The Power if Intention*.
The goal is to remove ego identification and connect with your natural self so you can allow that complete flow of well-being back into your life.
Here are the steps he recommends:
Discipline. “eliminating ego identification doesn’t mean disconnecting from your relationship with your body, but rather, training your body to activate those desires. You do that with practice, exercise, nontoxic habits, healthy foods, and so on.”
Wisdom. “Wisdom combined with discipline fosters your ability to focus and be patient as you harmonize your thoughts, your intellect, and your feelings with the work of your body. We send children off to school telling them: Be disciplined and Use your head, and call this education, but it falls short of mastery.”
Love. “After disciplining the body with wisdom, and intellectually studying a task, this process of mastery involves loving what you do and doing what you love.”
Surrender. “This is the place of intention...You relax, grab the trolley strap, and allow yourself to be carried by the same power that turns acorns into trees, blossoms into apples, and microscopic dots into humans.”
Whew! There’s a lot of great stuff in here. Keep reading for a real life example of ways Intention has worked in my life.
There are various times in my life where the power of Intention activated without me knowing on a conscious level. In my early twenties when I worked in the music industry in Los Angeles I got paid hardly anything. To make ends meet I’d find various odd jobs like recording vocals for producers who wanted to pitch their song to an artist or song publishing house.
One afternoon I was filling my car with gas at the cheapest station I could find and realized I used my last $40. Bank account zero. I remember thinking I only needed $60 more that week in order to get food and pay for part of an electric bill. As I put the gas pump back in its holder I prayed that the money would appear somehow.
Five minutes later I got a call from an unknown number and felt the need to pick it up. It was a music producer saying he needed a vocalist to record a song for a TV show and that it paid $60. The biggest smile spread across my face and I felt the deepest knowing of being seen and heard.
There was another moment, still in Los Angeles, where I was craving bread but knew my bank account was close to zero. If I went out and bought some I would overdraw so I’d decided to wait until later that week. As I lay on the couch I thought, “Wouldn’t it be nice to magically have bread appear and I could eat as much as I wanted?” As I laughed and went back to whatever I was working on my roommate opened the front door about 20 minutes later.
In her hand was a big Panera brown paper bag. “The strangest thing happened,” she said. “I was walking to my car after work and there was an employee outside Panera saying they were going to throw all this bread away and asked if I wanted to take it home.” To say tears streamed down my face is an understatement.
The key takeaways here (aside from being broke a few times) are the moments these manifestations occurred. They never happened when the energy around the desire was forceful, stressful, or expectant. These miraculous, meaningful moments happened when I surrendered. They also happened at lightening speed because God (Source) had the space to work. By releasing the outcome I was (unknowingly) opening the flood gates for my desire to manifest in any way possible. Usually we stop manifestations from happening because we grip too tight to an image of how things are “supposed” to happen.
Since then, I’ve learned that we don’t need to wait for trials or disasters to make us open enough to receive. If we find daily stillness, continue practicing the principles of spirit, and add meaning to every moment we’ll be a manifesting machine. Do you have any manifesting stories? Share your story in a comment if you feel inspired to!
I intend to focus my thoughts on what I desire and reach for the next best emotion to consistently match its frequency.
Share a manifestation story with a friend (you can also share in a comment on this post) to lift their spirits and to feel your emotions climb to higher levels.
What emotion am I currently vibrating at? What’s the next best emotion I can become curious about experiencing? What’s holding me back from going higher?
Book: The Power of Intention* by Wayne Dyer
Book: Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires* by Esther Hicks
Playlist: Brain changing affirmations (Apple, Spotify)
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