you’re capable
Morning mail from October 6, 2023.
When we decide what kind of progress is most meaningful to us, like money, family, or connection, it’s important to have a system for tracking it.
Otherwise, it's impossible to see we've made progress.
We get frustrated and discouraged.
Progress needs to be recorded and revisited often.
It doesn't have to be time-intensive either.
One of my favorite ways to remember progress is inspired by Dr. Benjamin Hardy.
He suggests writing some questions (shown below) on the inside of every journal you use and answering them in bullet point format.
Then, read those answers every day before you journal.
This primes you to write from the perspective of your future self.
Hardy says, "It’s best to make decisions based on what your future, not your present, self wants. It’s best to decide and act from the vantage point of your desired circumstances, not your present ones."
The questions he recommends are:
Where am I right now? (What projects are you working on, products you're creating, health goals you have, relationship goals, etc. add any goal!)
Wins from the last 90 days.
Wins for the next 90 days.
Wins for the next 12 months. (A year from now on this day what would you want to see done?)
When you finish a journal, write and answer these same questions again in the new one.
If you ever look back on past journals, you'll see where your mindset was and how much progress you've made.
I just read mine from a past journal, and wow, how proud I feel.
It shows us we're capable and can create momentum.
Good Quote
“If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.”
— Jim Rohn
Good Question
Move up the ladder to higher vibrations by writing at the top of a blank page and see what flows from your pen (no judgment or editing!):
What are five wins from the last 90 days?
Good Thinking
I celebrate progress no matter how big or small.
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this takes time
Morning mail from October 4, 2023.
Have you considered that not all progress is created equal
In a world that runs on ego, progress looks like getting a promotion, making money, and getting “more”.
Nothing else counts until we reach those markers.
Will this kind of "progress" make us happy, though?
Is there a kind we can value more that benefits the Spirit instead?
This question dawned on me as I simplified my daughter’s toy collection.
An act that I realized was a different kind of progress.
One toward a more aligned and peaceful life.
Progress that felt more valuable and meaningful than any other.
We don't need more
In Simplicity Parenting, Kim John Payne said children’s creativity, curiosity, and motivation are intrinsic.
They don’t need more toys to “get” more of it.
They're already there in abundance.
If anything, more toys hinder creativity and curiosity.
And represent the subconscious manipulation of marketing and commercialism.
Something I became influenced by growing up.
Kids with too many choices don’t see the value in any one thing.
And become perpetually dissatisfied.
Do we, as adults, have too many “toys” and choices hindering us?
Is there a way to strip down our influences and return to ourselves?
Making space is faith
There's something to be said about making space.
Whether in a closet.
An email list.
Or friendships.
It says we don't have to know what's next to do what's best for us.
It releases what was never ours to begin with.
Making way for what is.
Meaningful progress
This is the kind of progress that feels meaningful.
The kind that brings us one step closer to ourselves.
For so long, I subconsciously believed I needed what the world said I did.
But how could it know what my soul needs?
It felt great to redefine what progress means in that moment.
Viewing progress from an intrinsic spiritual perspective takes time.
Spurts of awareness.
And kind, daily realignment.
Then, we'll get to a point where we naturally value what our inner self values over anything else.
I know this process takes time, but I'm here for it and excited to see it unfold.
Good Quote
“I don't know where I'm going, but I'm on my way.”
— Carl Sandburg
Good Question
Move up the ladder to higher vibrations by writing at the top of a blank page and see what flows from your pen (no judgment or editing!):
What kind of progress would feel meaningful to me?
Good Thinking
I value spiritual progress over anything else. I see opportunities to simplify and expand.
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new month, new theme
Morning mail from October 2, 2023.
This month, we’ll explore the topic of progress.
As we near the end of the year, it’s tempting to slip into the gap mentality:
I’m nowhere near where I wanted to be
I have three months to make X happen
Look how far I still have to go
Noticing the space between where we are now and where we want to be is a sure way to create anxiety.
To lean into lack.
Which breeds hopelessness or guilt.
Keep expanding
A far better way to stay motivated and kind to ourselves is through a gain mentality:
How neat to see how much I accomplished in the last 90 days
If I think about where I was two months ago, I’ve made a lot of progress with X
I want to celebrate what I've accomplished/created so far
Continually looking backward at where we came from shows us our actual momentum.
This breeds excitement and confidence.
It allows us to feel content and fulfilled while dreaming big.
Progress keeps us expanding.
When we stay in the gain mindset, we make meaningful progress and can override the pressure we feel from our external environment.
Taking baby steps
Over this next month, you’ll learn tangible, easy ways to switch to a progress mindset.
They’re practices that are easy to do and make a big impact.
You won’t want to live without doing them. They’re that good.
Until then, let me leave you with this:
You’re doing a great job.
We’ve been conditioned into believing what the egoic world values is what we should value.
Taking baby steps to unravel archaic and harmful belief systems is okay.
Baby steps are better than no steps.
It’s okay if we struggle daily and need constant reminders.
You’re doing the work.
It’s not about how far you have to go but how far you’ve already come.
Good Quote
“In the depths of winter, I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer.”
— Albert Camus
Good Question
Move up the ladder to higher vibrations by writing at the top of a blank page and see what flows from your pen (no judgment or editing!):
What are three things I've accomplished in the last 90 days?
Good Thinking
I am kind to myself. I focus on where I’ve come from. Not how far I have to go.
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weekly: laziness shouldn’t be a thing
Morning mail from October 1, 2023.
I'm writing today’s email from bed with a stuffy nose.
Saltine crackers in hand.
Nestled under a fluffy comforter.
Surrendered to a limited capacity for the week.
There were a few things I wanted to start.
But there's only so much this mama can do.
No such thing as laziness
Which made me think of a pressure many of us face:
Feeling guilty for prioritizing rest and not being “productive”.
That too many days off the clock means we'll be lazy forever.
So, let's set the record straight.
For my sake and maybe yours:
There’s no such thing as laziness.
If we decide to leave the house messier because we're too exhausted, that's more productive than half cleaning and guilt-tripping ourselves about it.
Kindness motivates more than guilt
“For a long time, when I chose to cut corners with care tasks I would feel immense guilt at being irresponsible. Yet where did I get the message that choosing to prioritize rest over the dishes for one night is irresponsible? The problem isn’t that I chose to rest instead of clean the kitchen; it’s that I told myself I was being a bad person by doing so.”
The underlying fear is that if we embrace being kind to ourselves, we’ll stay unfunctional forever.
If we're not constantly doing something, we'll lose momentum and become lazy forever.
But it's this exact thinking that demotivates us.
Resting and showing ourselves kindness gives us the motivation we seek.
In case this helps, here's a permission slip to rest if you need it.
You'll hear how I learned this lesson from a homeless man in Central Park and a few ideas to help you integrate the concept of creating more space into your life.
Good Thinking
I am kind to myself and rest when I need it.
Good Action
Schedule an artist date to fill your creative well.
It doesn't have to be lengthy or expensive.
Pick something that seems fun or interesting.
Feel free to let me know what you decide!
Good Question
Move up the ladder to higher vibrations by writing at the top of a blank page and see what flows from your pen (no judgment or editing!):
What does my body need today?
Good Book
She talks about letting go of the shame-based messaging that interprets a pile of dirty laundry as “I can never keep up” and a chaotic kitchen as “I’m a bad mother.”
To take a section from her book blurb on Amazon:
"Your home will feel like a sanctuary again. It will become a place to rest, even when things aren’t finished. You will move with ease, and peace and calm will edge out guilt, self-criticism, and endless checklists. They have no place here."
Sparks of Joy
Halloween: it’s a comforting and cozy feeling seeing our decorations around the apartment. As I'm adding Halloween movies to our list on Hulu and Netflix I can't wait to welcome October!
Healthy: feeling well after a week of being sick is glorious. I finally got the house cleaned up and the fridge stocked. Blessed.
New food: my brother visited us in the city and wanted to try Georgian food. A cuisine I never thought to try. But after trying their cheese bread and Khinkali (dumplings), I became hooked! Branching out and trying new things is the new black.
Extra Goodies
Good Read: The illusion of being busy.
Good Quote: Julia Cameron's timeless wisdom on nurturing our creativity:
“The essential element in nurturing our creativity lies in nurturing ourselves. Through self-nurturance we nurture our inner connection to the Great Creator. Through this connection our creativity will unfold. Paths will appear for us. We need to trust the Great Creator and move out in faith.”
Good Tip: A different way to sauté zucchini. Yay or nay?
Good List: 10 books for inspiration.
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never eating ice cream again?
Morning mail from September 29, 2023.
Sometimes, nothing inspires a feeling of contentment more than recovering from an illness.
When we don’t have health, we want it more than anything.
We may whisper promises to God/Source that we’ll cherish every second with our kids or spouse if we get better.
Or commit to never eating ice cream again and going to the gym more often (it me).
Then, when our health improves, it feels like seeing the sun for the first time in weeks.
Our sense of wonder and presence returns, even for a day.
How can we reside in this feeling without needing to be sick?
Or having an emergency happen?
As I work on this, all I can say is moment by moment.
Good Quote
“Our mind doesn't know the way,
Our heart has already been there,
And our soul never left.
Welcome home!”— Emmanuel/Pat Rodegast
Good Question
Move up the ladder to higher vibrations by writing at the top of a blank page and see what flows from your pen (no judgment or editing!):
Imagine you were sick for a month, and today's the first day you felt healthy again.
What would you cherish more or want to do with your new lease on life?
Good Thinking
I am content with life and cherish every moment with the people I love.
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laziness shouldn’t be a thing
Morning mail from September 27, 2023.
I'm writing today’s email from bed with a stuffy nose.
Saltine crackers in hand.
Nestled under a fluffy comforter.
Surrendered to a limited capacity for the week.
There were a few things I wanted to start.
But there's only so much this mama can do.
No such thing as laziness
Which made me think of a pressure many of us face:
Feeling guilty for prioritizing rest and not being “productive”.
That too many days off the clock means we'll be lazy forever.
So, let's set the record straight.
For my sake and maybe yours:
There’s no such thing as laziness.
If we decide to leave the house messier because we're too exhausted, that's more productive than half cleaning and guilt-tripping ourselves about it.
Kindness motivates more than guilt
“For a long time, when I chose to cut corners with care tasks I would feel immense guilt at being irresponsible. Yet where did I get the message that choosing to prioritize rest over the dishes for one night is irresponsible? The problem isn’t that I chose to rest instead of clean the kitchen; it’s that I told myself I was being a bad person by doing so.”
The underlying fear is that if we embrace being kind to ourselves, we’ll stay unfunctional forever.
If we're not constantly doing something, we'll lose momentum and become lazy forever.
But it's this exact thinking that demotivates us.
Actually resting and showing ourselves kindness gives us the motivation we seek.
In case this helps here's a permission slip to rest if you need it.
Good Quote
"Your work life is divided into two distinct areas—what matters most and everything else. You will have to take what matters to the extremes and be okay with what happens to the rest. Professional success requires it."
— Gary Keller
Good Question
Move up the ladder to higher vibrations by writing at the top of a blank page and see what flows from your pen (no judgment or editing!):
What does my body need today?
Good Thinking
I am kind to myself and rest when I need it.
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a fun way to stay inspired
Morning mail from September 25, 2023.
Want to know a great way to keep our inspiration tank full?
Going on weekly artist dates.
It’s where you take yourself out with no other motive than to have an experience and soak things in.
Whether that’s a movie, going to a store, or wandering down a bookstore aisle.
Last week, I took myself to lunch.
No pressure to work or worry.
Spending time with ourselves is how Creativity within us stays nurtured and inspired.
If you took yourself on a date to refresh your creative stores, what would you do?
Good Quote
“The essential element in nurturing our creativity lies in nurturing ourselves. Through self-nurturance we nurture our inner connection to the Great Creator. Through this connection our creativity will unfold. Paths will appear for us. We need to trust the Great Creator and move out in faith.”
— Julia Cameron, The Artist's Way
Good Question
Move up the ladder to higher vibrations by writing at the top of a blank page and see what flows from your pen (no judgment or editing!):
What would be a fun artist date to go on?
Good Thinking
I am open to receiving fun experiences into my life.
Good Action
Schedule an artist date into your calendar.
It doesn't have to be lengthy or expensive.
Pick something that seems fun or interesting!
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weekly: the truth about happiness
Morning mail from September 24, 2023
No one describes happiness better than Dr. Wayne Dyer. He says:
“Happiness is an inner concept. That is, you can have it if you decide to have it. If you have it inside you, you bring your happiness to everything you do. You bring it to your work. You bring it to your relationships. No matter what, you just have it; you don’t have to try to get it.”
What an empowering thought.
We make our own meaning
This doesn’t mean life won’t have unfair or challenging circumstances.
Only that we don’t need life to look a certain way to claim happiness.
Part of having free agency is accepting ourselves as the ultimate decider of our experience.
We won’t have literal control over events or people.
Only control how we digest and make meaning of the world around us.
Giving up our power
This is something I work on daily.
Especially as I learn about codependency.
Giving up our power and responsibility to other people or circumstances is so easy.
To slip into victim mode.
Thinking they have to be a certain way or do something before we can feel happy.
Sure, it’s easier to blame and hand off responsibility.
But it’s also like a spiritual prison.
Holding our capacity to expand and experience happiness hostage.
Because what’s the alternative?
Free agency means full freedom
Full power over our experiences and emotions.
Responsibility for every decision we make.
That can feel scary.
Yet, on the other side of those emotions are peace and joy.
When we bring happiness to everything we do, decisions become easier.
We begin trusting ourselves again.
Life feels lighter and more rewarding.
Claim your happiness
This ties in well with the idea of contentment.
It’s a state of being at ease or satisfied.
Without putting conditions around it.
We have the power to contain or hold the capacity for our brilliance as divine beings.
As such, we have the power to have happiness.
If you need a soul pick me up give this podcast episode a listen.
Rha Goddess is CEO of Move the Crowd, the entrepreneurial soul coach behind hundreds of changemakers, cultural visionaries and social entrepreneurs, multiple New York Times Bestselling author, and an activist focusing on issues of racial justice and equality, electoral politics, and more.
She discusses how to live in concert with the truth and slow down to listen to Source/God/Universe and delivers a powerful message about our power, the power of money, and how to reframe success.
Good Thinking
I am capable of meeting limited circumstances with unlimited thoughts.
Good Action
Let yourself rest and recover daily.
The only way to experience full energy and enthusiasm for life is to let ourselves recover.
This can be as simple as gently guiding our minds to stop thinking about work after a set time.
Good Question
Move up the ladder to higher vibrations by writing at the top of a blank page and see what flows from your pen (no judgment or editing!):
Have I fully decided to "have" happiness? If not, what might be causing this block?
Good Book
Energy Type: Feminine
The Little Book of Hygge (pronounced Hoo-ga) is one I go back to when summer transitions to autumn. It's the perfect inspiration for capturing the cozy essence of the holidays at home and in daily life.
Slow and gentle living can feel elusive. But Meik Wiking makes it feel tangible and obtainable by sharing how the Danish live.
Hygge is the sensation you get when you’re cuddled up on a sofa, in cozy socks under a soft throw during a storm. It’s that feeling when you’re sharing comfort food and easy conversation with loved ones at a candlelit table. It is the warmth of morning light shining just right on a crisp, blue-sky day.
The Little Book of Hygge introduces you to this cornerstone of Danish life and offers advice and ideas on incorporating it into your own life.
Sparks of Joy
Rainy days: My favorite time of year in New York City is here again: refreshing breezes, comfy sweaters, and light rainy mornings. My heart sings.
Artist date: I took myself on an artist date to one of my favorite lunch spots (see picture above). My own table with a plate of burrata, tomatoes, and a notebook. Stomach and heart full.
Kismet: A few synchronous moments happened this week. It's incredible how fast Spirit works when we surrender and get out of our own way. It was a great reminder.
Good energy: I've felt expansive, great energy this week. Being in New York City, I often think feeling that slow peace is impossible. But it's possible!
Extra Goodies
Good Read: The sterile world of infinite choice.
Good Quote: Even when talking about food, this definition of simplicity is *chef's kiss*:
"Jean-Georges Vongerichten showed me the value in taking away, taking things off of a plate. He always talked about two, three, four elements on a plate. That's it. The more you put on the plate, the easier it is to hide. The more you take away, there's nowhere to hide—it has to be good."
Good Music: Transport yourself to New York in the 1940s and 50s with my holiday playlist. It's the best soundtrack for going into autumn.
Good Notebook: Perfect for morning pages.
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predicting your future
Morning mail from September 22, 2023.
New York City is officially approaching my favorite time of year.
A cool breeze glides through the living room window.
The coziest blanket rests on my lap as I write.
Halloween decorations dot the apartment.
Nothing beats autumn in the city.
I even have a playlist reserved for the holiday season in New York.
It's the best.
Predicting our future
Earlier today, I read my list of affirmations.
I aim to do so daily to help me work through unhelpful beliefs.
As I did, I thought, “Wouldn’t it be cool if affirmations were a prediction of my future?”
And I realized, “WAIT! It is!”
Affirmations offer us a way to "try on" what we want.
Repeat them often enough, and we begin to believe they're possible.
Once we do, desire starts to manifest.
In actual reality, they're already here.
They've been waiting for us to beckon them into our physical experience.
All that’s expected of us is to believe and to be willing to receive.
Affirmations support the believing part.
And willingness supports the receiving part.
Bada boom, bada bing.
Easier understood than done, for sure.
Tell me
Do you like affirmations?
Do you read them?
Or write them?
Good Quote
"The key to abundance is meeting limited circumstances with unlimited thoughts."
— Marianne Williamson
Good Question
Move up the ladder to higher vibrations by writing at the top of a blank page and see what flows from your pen (no judgment or editing!):
What's an unhelpful belief or thought that would benefit me to change?
Good Thinking
I am capable of meeting limited circumstances with unlimited thoughts.
Good Action
Take a quiet 30 minutes for yourself this weekend.
Stillness is where we reconnect to our meaning and purpose.
If you resist, ask yourself where this comes from and if you can make yourself feel safe again. Enjoy!
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don’t be surprised if…
Morning mail from September 20, 2023.
Don’t be surprised if something comes along to test our new commitment to "have" happiness.
Tests, extreme or minor, expand the capacity for spiritual growth.
They give a good jolt to the system.
Helping us override the ego to become flexible enough to make the necessary adjustments.
Often, going through tests is the only way to go from ego-led living to a purpose-led life.
I mean it makes sense.
When we switch our focal point to that of happiness anything that’s contrary to it will stand out more.
Some things in our lives will no longer fit.
This is when it gets tough because the ego resists change.
Our bodies, beliefs, and the world around us resist climbing up the ladder to more expansive emotions.
In The Untethered Soul, Michael Singer says:
“Once you decide you want to be unconditionally happy, something inevitably will happen that challenges you. This test of your commitment is exactly what stimulates spiritual growth . . .That makes it the highest path.”
If you experience resistance this is normal.
Be gentle with yourself.
Be kind to yourself.
You're on the path.
Good Quote
“Jean-Georges Vongerichten showed me the value in taking away, taking things off of a plate. He always talked about two, three, four elements on a plate. That's it. The more you put on the plate, the easier it is to hide. The more you take away, there's nowhere to hide—it has to be good.”
— Wylie Dufresne, A Conversation with Wylie Dufresne
Good Question
Move up the ladder to higher vibrations by writing at the top of a blank page and see what flows from your pen (no judgment or editing!):
Have I fully decided to "have" happiness? If not, what might be causing this block?
Good Thinking
I am one with the world around me. My life is led by purpose and meaning.
Good Action
Let yourself rest and recover daily.
The only way to experience full energy and enthusiasm for life is to let ourselves recover.
This can be as simple as gently guiding our minds to stop thinking about work after a set time.
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the truth about happiness
Morning mail from September 18, 2023.
No one describes happiness better than Dr. Wayne Dyer. He says:
“Happiness is an inner concept. That is, you can have it if you decide to have it. If you have it inside you, you bring your happiness to everything you do. You bring it to your work. You bring it to your relationships. No matter what, you just have it; you don’t have to try to get it.”
What an empowering thought.
We make our own meaning
This doesn’t mean life won’t have unfair or challenging circumstances.
Only that we don’t need life to look a certain way to claim happiness.
Part of having free agency is accepting ourselves as the ultimate decider of the experience we have.
We won’t have literal control over events or people.
Only control over how we digest and make meaning of the world around us.
Giving up our power
This is something I work on daily.
Especially as I learn about codependency.
It’s so easy to give up our power and responsibility to other people or circumstances.
To slip into victim mode.
Thinking they have to be a certain way or do a certain thing before we can feel happy.
Sure it’s easier to blame and hand off responsibility.
But it’s also like a spiritual prison.
Holding our capacity to expand and experience happiness hostage.
Because what’s the alternative?
Free agency means full freedom
Full power over our experiences and emotions.
Responsibility for every decision we make.
That can feel scary.
Yet on the other side of those emotions are peace and joy.
When we bring happiness to everything we do decisions become easier.
We begin trusting ourselves again.
Life feels lighter and more rewarding.
Claim your happiness
This ties in well with the idea of contentment.
It’s a state of being at ease or satisfied.
Without putting conditions around it.
We have the power to contain or hold the capacity for our brilliance as divine beings.
As such, we have the power to have happiness.
Good Quote
“Happiness is not a station in life, a place to arrive at. It’s a way of traveling. It’s a manner of how you traverse the path you’re on, walking each step with love.”
— Wayne Dyer, Happiness is the Way
Good Question
Move up the ladder to higher vibrations by writing at the top of a blank page and see what flows from your pen (no judgment or editing!):
In what ways might I be giving responsibility and power to someone or something outside of myself?
Good Thinking
I decide to have happiness and bring it to every thing I do.
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weekly: the truth about contentment
Morning Mail from September 17, 2023.
Contrary to what most people think, contentment doesn’t mean we douse our dreams and "give up". Or become doomed to a life of thinking small and blending in.
It's more empowering than that.
What if I told you contentment is actually a sign of dreaming big?
Hear me out…
The state of being contented means being at ease or satisfied.
It also means the power of containing or holding capacity.
Our capacity for brilliance as divine beings is unlimited.
When we understand our power of containing or holding capacity we no longer feel the need to prove or force what we want.
Rather we attract what we want as a natural by-product of residing in gratitude, confidence, and joy.
Potential vs. capacity
Notice how the word capacity is being used here instead of potential.
In the spiritual world, "potential" is thrown around a lot and causes a lot of pressure.
In A Return To Love Marianne Williamson says:
“Potential can be a dangerous concept. We can use it to terrorize ourselves, to live in the future instead of in the present, to set ourselves up for despair by constantly measuring ourselves against what we think we could be rather than what we are. Until we’re perfect masters, it is by definition impossible to live up to our potential. Our potential always remains something we’re only capable of living later.”
She then further explains, “Capacity is expressed in the present. It is immediate.”
A more empowering view
Capacity is more empowering because it’s about owning what we have right now in the present.
Rather than being paralyzed by the possibilities in an unknown future.
Sometimes we feel we have so many choices available we freeze.
We try to figure out which road leads to fulfilling our “potential” and don't move.
Whereas capacity allows us to see what we’re capable of now.
We start.
We move.
Of course, we’ll be better tomorrow than today but it’s important to get going.
Williamson brilliantly says, “The difference between those people ‘living their potential’ and those who don’t, is not the amount of potential itself, but the amount of permission they give themselves to live in the present.”
This is the second in a two-part series based on Wayne Dyer’s four messages of alignment from his book, Inspiration: Your Ultimate Calling.
I recently picked up this book and felt inspired to share it with you, with the last two of the four ways Spirit beckons us to align with us again: alignment with events, and alignment with people.
Good Thinking
I allow myself to shine, blossom fully, and show up powerfully in the present.
Good Action
Take yourself on an artist date.
This sparks creativity and fills the well of inspiration.
It can look like lunch, wandering a bookstore, or watching a matinee.
Whatever you like!
Good Question
Move up the ladder to higher vibrations by writing at the top of a blank page and see what flows from your pen (no judgment or editing!):
What is my favorite way to create? How can I lean into it more often?
Good Book
Energy Type: Masculine
After starting a podcast episode with Ryan Holiday and James Clear it reminded me of how great Atomic Habits is.
I'm the kind of person who needs to understand the 'why' behind something before doing it 😆.
When it comes to improving our habits Atomic Habits by James Clear satiated that need and left me feeling empowered.
Not only does Clear explain how habits work and why we have bad ones. But he also gives easy tips for creating new ones. Like tacking a new habit onto one that already exists.
Our lives are literally a composition of the small actions we do every day. We can automate the results we want by being intentional with our habits. If you haven't read this yet it's a must!
Sparks of Joy
Rainy days: Last week, when my family and I left Home Goods the sky started dumping buckets of rain out of nowhere. With no umbrellas in tow, we decided to run home. Partway, we stopped under the scaffolding of a building, waited for a pause, then kept running. Let’s say my nap dress and Birkenstocks were soaked to the bone. Oddly the moment felt fun. Usually, our phones tell us everything ahead of time. It was nice to live in the moment.
Detective shows: We watched Black Bird on Apple+ and it had me hooked from episode one. I love shows that delve into the psyche of crime. It's dark. But an incredible story.
New notebook: I found one that spoke to me at Home Goods. A fresh journal speaks to me on a level like nothing else.
Holiday decor: Every year my husband and I pick out one or two new Halloween decorations for our home. It's one of my favorite traditions.
Extra Goodies
Good Read: Women are in the midst of a revolutionary reckoning with our ambitions. (Elle)
Good Quote: The difference between capacity and potential from Marianne Williamson in A Return to Love:
“The difference between those people ‘living their potential’ and those who don’t, is not the amount of potential itself, but the amount of permission they give themselves to live in the present.”
Good Wear: We love a good dad hat. Especially ours in this dreamy blue. Get yours yet?
Good Cozy: Oh and can't forget our cozy crew neck sweatshirt. Perfect for that tea-sipping, quiet morning routine vibe.
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embracing your quirks
Morning Mail from August 14, 2023.
One funny thing about me is when a bag of food gets empty enough I’ll cut the bag so my hand doesn’t have to reach down as far.
I do this for chips.
Flour for baking.
You name it.
My whole family did this growing up.
I never thought anything of it until my husband laughed about it.
Or my uncle asked, "Do you do this weird thing your aunt does?"
To which I laughed and said yes.
Embracing our quirks
I cut the bag so that my hand doesn’t brush up against the dust of whatever is in there.
Or crinkle like a firecracker on the way down.
It feels more clean and efficient.
I’m sure you can think of funny quirks you have, no?
As a kid, it may have made me feel insecure or stupid.
But now, I treasure the things that make me unique.
And what makes others unique.
I know someone whose husband is obsessed with the color orange.
As in, wrote his college essay on why he loves orange.
As in, has a nice car in the color (you guessed it) orange.
It made me like him even more!
It takes guts to stand by what you love even if it’s uncommon.
Our divine mission
The reason our spirits came to earth was to learn our preferences.
It’s almost as if these quirks represent our divine mission.
To explore and experience life in a more full and vibrant way.
To become more of who we are.
Please don’t shy away from your quirks.
Learn to celebrate and embrace them.
Good Action
Make one appointment you’ve been procrastinating on.
Like a haircut, annual teeth cleaning, or a doctor’s visit.
It’s easy to delay our health needs when we have so much on our plate.
But nonaction can weigh heavier than just doing it.
Good Question
Move up the ladder to higher vibrations by writing at the top of a blank page and see what flows from your pen (no judgment or editing!):
What fun quirks do I have?
Good Thinking
I explore and embrace life in a fun and vibrant way.
Sparks of Joy
Lightning storm: Early Sunday morning we awoke at 2 am to the sky flashing like an atmospheric strobe. It was an awe-inducing lightning storm with strands of electricity exploding in the clouds. It was stunning.
Yoga while raining: Doing yoga in our living room while it gently rained outside. Such a relaxing way to unwind from work.
Extra Goodies
Good Read: How can I avoid eating food with “forever” chemicals? (Washington Post)
Good Quote: Helpful advice from James Clear on how to process judgment or opinions from others:
"People usually judge you based on where you are at currently, not what you could become eventually. Don't let one comment stop you from trying. File it away or use it as fuel. Focus on getting better. Someone else's analysis of your current position doesn't tell you anything about your current potential."
Good Tip: What to do if a bee stings you. (Healthline)
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weekly: you are powerful
Morning Mail from February 5, 2023.
Ready for some empowering advice from Abraham Hicks?
Here’s how she recommends controlling the way you feel within a condition:
(1) "stop for a moment to acknowledge the thing that has happened that you do not want"
(2) "ask yourself what it is that you do want"
(3) "ask yourself why you want it"
Support the pivot.
This helps you immediately feel better and start seeing results that you want.
This is a deeper, more useful way to look at desire.
Focusing on what you want and why puts you in harmony with your desire.
Try this: When people complain or talk about what they don't want, try to find or call out to them what it sounds like they do want.
Maybe this will support them pivoting.
(Also something to do try with ourselves, friend. 💙)
You are powerful beyond measure.
Agency is a gift from Source/God.
The ultimate, most loving, selfless one.
A gift that offers us total control and say in our life’s path.
Let’s show the original Creator how grateful we are by how we live.
Source/God wants you to realize the fullness of your power.
To see you thrive and succeed beyond measure.
They love you too much to accept anything less.
You are not alone.
Source/God will be right by your side the whole journey. 💫
To give the resources, inspiration, and guidance you need to fulfill your highest potential.
Like a Dumbledore to Harry Potter, you’re not alone.
Once we trust in that it’s easier to focus on feeling good and aligning our thoughts to who we truly are.
And getting into the perspective of attracting things.
Rather than chasing, forcing and fighting.
You have everything you need to create the life you want.
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rule your kingdom
Morning Mail from February 1, 2023.
Welcome to the start of a new feel-good focus… relationships 🎉 .
Romantic, family, work, the self. What you'll read applies to it all.
Because underneath every relationship lies this truth: how we interact with others comes down to how we feel about ourselves.
And the beliefs and constructs we see the world through.
Most resources out there are masculine driven: Action, strategy, not-enoughness.
Not here.
We're focusing on the inner world and leaning into the feminine first then encouraging action from there.
I hope any action you feel inspired to take is based on what you feels best for you.
Not what the world says you should do.
As always, change takes time.
Marianne Williamson says in A Return to Love:
“When you meet anyone, remember it is a holy encounter. As you see him, he will see yourself. As you treat him, you will treat yourself. As you think of him, he will think of yourself…”
TLDR: We can only receive that which we’re able to see.
Makes sense.
Someone who's defensive and judgmental would struggle to feel safe in love and openness.
Otherwise they'd be loving and open to begin with. 😬
This beckons to the "Love thy neighbor" sentiment.
When we act with kindness and openness most people return that in kind.
They feel safe to do so.
You rule your own kingdom.
That doesn't mean we have to allow anyone and everyone into our lives.
Think of your inner world as a kingdom.
As ruler of your kingdom you set the requirements for who can cross the drawbridge.
And if someone can't rise to the standards you set?
You can choose to not let them in.
Setting boundaries for ourselves when it comes to relationships helps us cultivate that good energy.
When we feel safe, we can show up how we want to.
When we show up a certain way we subconsciously invite people to show up the same way.
How we act is in our control.
What we allow or don’t allow into our world is in our control.
How others act and react isn’t in our control.
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keep it simple
Morning Mail from January 6, 2023.
We set the foundation last week to prepare us for feeling good about money.
Ready to review?
So far we learned you can’t manifest what you truly desire without feeling good first.
To know your limits.
If you desire it, you can have it.
Let your conscience be your guide.
“While almost everyone is aware of how they feel in varying degrees, there are few who understand the important guidance that their feelings or emotions provide…
Without exception, the reason for negative emotion is because you are focused upon something you do not want or upon the lack or absence of something that you do want.”
Boom bam.
The reason for negative emotions really is that simple: to tell you you’re focused upon something you don’t want or the lack/absence of something you do want.
What do we do when we recognize this? We pivot.
We do that by asking WHY we want something. That immediately brings focus and energy to the expansive feeling of what is wanted.
Feel that expansive energy.
This changed everything for me.
Now when I feel a negative emotion I pause and ask myself, “Am I focusing on something I don’t want?” If so, “What do I want? Why?”
What a blessing to know that life doesn’t need to be complicated.
Keep it simple, friend.
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