Our top 10 most-read morning emails in 2023
This year, in The Good Space’s morning mail, we covered topics like manifesting, energy, financial abundance, creativity, and more. What started as a daily email full of gifs is now a Monday-Wednesday-Friday deeper digest that inspires us throughout the week. After sifting through the messages you sent about your favorite emails and digging through our data we’ve created a roundup of the ten most-read ones of 2023. Enjoy!
Whether you’re a long-time reader of The Good Space or new here, we hope you feel more peace after reading this post. Below, you’ll see ten of the year's most-read or most-responded emails. Each was chosen for a good reason. The main threads between all of them: building a deeper relationship with and trusting yourself, keeping it simple, and building healthful (and helpful!) routines.
If one piques your interest, click through to read it in full. Which one is your favorite? Leave a comment and let us know!
Remind yourself of what’s good
Subscribe to The Good Space’s morning mail for bite-size motivation that inspires you in five minutes or less.
10. simple is better
Sent: October 29, 2023
The main message…
“Many of us have been sold the idea that when we hit plateaus or struggles, it’s a sign that we’re not meant to do something.
Not always the case.
Or that we need to replicate someone else’s path to succeed.
Psh nooope.
The third thing that often trips up our progress is complication.
Attracting what we want is simpler than we think.”
Good Read: I’ll Show Myself Out by Jessi Klein
9. rule your kingdom
Sent: February 1, 2023
The main message…
“Think of your inner world as a kingdom.
As ruler of your kingdom you set the requirements for who can cross the drawbridge.
And if someone can't rise to the standards you set?
You can choose to not let them in.
Setting boundaries for ourselves when it comes to relationships helps us cultivate that good energy.
When we feel safe, we can show up how we want to.
When we show up a certain way we subconsciously invite people to show up the same way.
How we act is in our control.
What we allow or don’t allow into our world is in our control.
How others act and react isn’t in our control.”
8. laziness shouldn’t be a thing
Sent: September 27, 2023
The main message…
“The underlying fear is that if we embrace being kind to ourselves, we’ll stay unfunctional forever.
If we're not constantly doing something, we'll lose momentum and become lazy forever.
But it's this exact thinking that demotivates us.
Actually resting and showing ourselves kindness gives us the motivation we seek.
In case this helps here's a permission slip to rest if you need it.”
Good Thinking: I am kind to myself and rest when I need it.
Good Question: What does my body need today?
7. you are powerful
Sent: February 5, 2023
The main message…
“You are powerful beyond measure.
Agency is a gift from Source/God.
The ultimate, most loving, selfless one.
A gift that offers us total control and say in our life’s path.
Let’s show the original Creator how grateful we are by how we live.
Source/God wants you to realize the fullness of your power.
To see you thrive and succeed beyond measure.
They love you too much to accept anything less.”
6. let yourself begin again
Sent: November 10, 2023
The main message…
“When you hear the word renewal, what comes to mind?
The dictionary says, "to be restored to a former state; become new or as if new again."
Cheesy, I'm quoting the dictionary. I know.
But what a poignant way to capture the essence of the word.
We have opportunities every day to renew ourselves.
First thing in the morning.
In the pause between moments.
At night before bed.
How do you like to renew yourself, friend?”
Good Question:
What can I do to start fresh again?
Good Quote: “I can hardly wait for tomorrow, it means a new life for me each and every day.” – Stanley Kunitz
5. embracing your quirks
Sent: August 14, 2023
The main message…
“Our divine mission:
The reason our spirits came to earth was to learn our preferences.
It’s almost as if these quirks represent our divine mission.
To explore and experience life in a more full and vibrant way.
To become more of who we are.
Please don’t shy away from your quirks.
Learn to celebrate and embrace them.”
Good Quote: "People usually judge you based on where you are at currently, not what you could become eventually. Don't let one comment stop you from trying. File it away or use it as fuel. Focus on getting better. Someone else's analysis of your current position doesn't tell you anything about your current potential." – James Clear
Good Action: Make one appointment you've been procrastinating on. Like a haircut, annual teeth cleaning, or a doctor's visit.
It's easy to delay our health needs when we have so much on our plate. But non-action can weigh heavier than just doing it.
4. rituals
Sent: November 19, 2023
The main message…
“When we reach the end of the year, most people think of resolutions and reflection. Which isn’t a bad thing.
There are lovely reflection rituals like releasing what isn’t yours and finding your word of the year.
But what if we’re tired? Overwhelmed? Looking for simple?
This is where a morning routine comes in.
Maybe you’re tired of hearing it. That’s ok, too.
But rather than thinking of it as a routine, consider it a ritual. One that soothes and fuels. Even if this is your only commitment for the new year, you’ll feel a change.
With morning rituals, we make daily renewal a habit. We wake up and recommit to our authentic selves. We put ourselves first before the demands of the world. We build confidence in doing so.
This one act creates so much.
The beautiful thing is we don’t need hours. Even if we only have ten minutes to spare, that’s enough to put the effects in motion.
No need to overcomplicate.”
Good Listen: How to End 2023 On a Positive Note on The Good Space Podcast
Good Read: So Good They Can’t Ignore You by Cal Newport
3. envision what’s to come
Sent: November 1, 2023
The main message…
“A wonderful thing about November is the natural inner nudge to reflect and get intentional about the new year.
Allowing ourselves to appreciate progress, release what hasn't been working, and envision what's to come.
To renew a sense of what we value and recommit to prioritizing those.
Then, we release what isn't useful to us anymore.
All while the rest of the world keeps running.”
Good Question: What's one great thing that's happened this year?
Good Thought: I appreciate progress, embrace what’s good, and envision what’s to come.
2. keep it simple
Sent: January 6, 2023
The main message…
“The reason for negative emotions really is that simple: to tell you you’re focused upon something you don’t want or the lack/absence of something you do want.
What do we do when we recognize this? We pivot.
We do that by asking WHY we want something. That immediately brings focus and energy to the expansive feeling of what is wanted.
This changed everything for me.
Now when I feel a negative emotion I pause and ask myself, “Am I focusing on something I don’t want?” If so, “What do I want? Why?”
What a blessing to know that life doesn’t need to be complicated.”
1. relax and wander
Sent: November 3, 2023
The main message…
“Grounding practices like getting in nature, journaling, and morning routines slow the nervous system down.
They help you connect with your true self and give your life more breathing room.
More breathing room means more chances for inspiration and overall well-being.
The good news is your “me time” doesn’t have to look like someone else’s.
Do what feels right.
You may only have ten minutes and hate routines, so fuel-up time looks different daily.
I know some people who can’t stand routines, so they make containers of 30-minute increments throughout their day for specific tasks, making them feel connected and on track.
Or, like me, maybe a morning routine helps you feel stable and secure and, therefore, more motivated because you have a familiar start and end to the day.
Whatever it is, the soul feels better when we have time to relax and wander.”
Good Question: What part of my life needs more space?
What’s one action I can take to create that space?
Good Quote: “This is the month of nuts and nutty thoughts — that November whose name sounds so bleak and cheerless — perhaps its harvest of thought is worth more than all the other crops of the year.” – Henry David Thoreau