More Money, More Joy, and Less Struggle with Rha Goddess

We’re joined this week by a very special guest: Rha Goddess. Rha is CEO of Move the Crowd, the entrepreneurial soul coach behind hundreds of changemakers, cultural visionaries and social entrepreneurs, multiple New York Times Bestselling author, and an activist, focusing on issues of racial justice and equality, electoral politics, and more. She discusses how to live in concert with the truth and how to slow down and listen to Source/God/Universe, and delivers a powerful message about our own power, the power of money, and how to reframe success.


Who is Rha Goddess?

Rha Goddess, CEO of Move the Crowd, is leading the movement to reimagine “work” as a vehicle for creative expression, financial freedom, and societal transformation. She’s the entrepreneurial soul coach behind hundreds of changemakers, cultural visionaries and social entrepreneurs. She’s worked with people like Gabby Bernstein, India Arie, Barb Schmidt, and more. From multiple NY Times Bestsellers (like her most recent book, The Calling) to multi-million dollar social enterprises, Rha’s unique methodology has empowered a new generation of conscious entrepreneurs to stay true, get paid, and do good.

She’s an activist, focusing on issues of racial justice and equality, electoral politics, and more. Her work has been featured in Time Magazine, Variety, Essence, Forbes, Fast Company, and even more. She’s won many awards including one of the 50 Founders to Watch by Essence Magazine.

Live in Concert with the Truth

Rha finds that a lot of people say they’re searching for purpose… but most aren’t at a loss for purpose. They’re at a loss for permission. The sense that they can, that they deserve, that they’re worthy to reach for the thing they really want to reach for, that they’re worthy pursue what they’re really passionate about.

For herself, Rha previously was living a life that looked great from the outside, but on the inside, she felt like she was searching for more. She found herself doing a lot of different kinds of work – consulting, not-for-profit work, for-profit work – but it wasn’t until she “truly surrendered that life got interesting” and she began walking her own path.

“Get quiet, get still. There’s a different kind of guidance, communication, conversation that happens when we have the courage to slow down.

Having a willingness to stop, willingness to slow down is the beginning of accessing a different kind of energy, a different kind of intelligence, a different kind of perspective.

Rha reminds us that we live in a world where we’re told “more is more, and we should always be reaching for more, doing more, being more.” And living more consciously and mindfully is about being able to pay attention and “unhook ourselves a bit and live a life that’s more about the quality of experience than the quantity of experience.”


Slow Down and Listen

It’s a practice, a life-long journey to slow down.

“More joy is available. Less struggle is available. More money is available. If we’re willing to consider that we don’t have to bleed for it, which is so much at the core of how so many of us have been raised and taught.”

Rha’s “come to Jesus moment” was when she was shot at from point-blank range, and felt like she was being protected. And so often, this is the case. We almost need to experience these big, life-altering events like a divorce, an accident, a pregnancy, something that shakes us out of our day-to-day rhythm and take a look around, “slow down, listen, and live differently.”

Her morning journaling practice started by asking questions, and she felt like she was starting to get answers. If journaling isn’t for you, Rha recommends spending time in nature. Both allow us to create “those kinds of moments where we’re not overthinking, overdoing, but we’re simply being.” It’s in those moments that insights come and you’re able to engage with those insights and information – and to receive that, you must be open, willing, and ready to engage with whatever God/Source/Spirit knows you need.

You Can Succeed as Yourself

Rha feels we’re in a perfect moment to reflect and allow ourselves to experience a powerful shift:

“What does it mean to have work that is meaningful? What does it mean to live a life that is more purposeful, more intentional? What does it mean to have more of those creative and inspirational aspects of ourselves being fed, and nurtured, and nourished?

I think this idea of succeeding now is even more important when we can succeed as ourselves. Because traditionally, what we’ve been taught is that actually, we’ve gotta be somebody else, do something else, follow somebody else’s formula, or meet somebody else’s standard if we want to succeed.

But what we’re wanting more than anything is to just be us. And to be able to receive the love, and the fruits, and the reward, and the acknowledgement and the compensation that go with contributing and being contributing members of our society and our creative world.

You can find and stand in the truth of who you are, and really honor that day in and day out – and trust it will get better, even if initially it gets harder… But if you show up in that practice, and stay true in that practice, success becomes inevitable.

Because what you attract is for you. You can’t attract what is for you, if you’re not being you.”

If you struggle with imposter syndrome, Rha wants you to have faith in yourself.

You have enough to be who you want to be, to do what you want to do, to achieve what you want to be.

Allow yourself to redefine what success means to you – and live it on your own terms.

“We have to begin to look at what we believe is possible for us and not possible for us.

That doesn’t mean we don’t recognize that systemic challenges exist or sometimes we feel our back is against the wall.

But if we believe we have no choice, then guess what? We have no choice.

Your capacity to cultivate the relationship that you are having with yourself is the most important thing. Because whatever you are telling yourself is what is true. So if we’re willing to consider that there’s a possibility to start to engage in a new conversation about what is possible, then we begin to get access to new opportunities.”

Rha reminds us that real hope comes from the power of knowing you have choices. Instead of telling yourself you have to sacrifice or martyr yourself in the name of your responsibilities, challenge that narrative, and reclaim your story.

You Have the Power

Rha feels money (any form of currency) is the opportunity to represent our relationship to Source:

“What are we being sourced by, something that’s infinite or finite? Something that’s abundant or scarce?

Are you being sourced by anger? Anger’s not sustainable. Sadly, for many of us, we’ve had challenges in life that we’re just not able to get over or get through it. We haven’t allowed ourselves to have the feelings, to have the breakdowns, to have the unravellings that encourage the rebirth and the new-earth energy to find us.

The degree to which we’re willing to love and be loved, that’s the heart of the opportunity.

Our ability to feel abundant and giving and abundant and receiving is the degree to which we allowing love and compassion into our lives and the degree to which we allow love and compassion to move through us to others.”

Our perspective on money, that it’s scarce, we need to protect it, hold onto it, “blocks our ability to be free” and “feel the joy and inspiration we want to feel” and limits the permission we grant ourselves to do what we want to do, and feel called to do.

We get to choose. We have the power. And when we declare for ourselves, the Universe will move in concert with us to co-create with us.

Rha leaves us with her vision for the future:

“I want a world where all of us feel the permission to be our most authentic selves in service to our greatest aspirations and visions and contributions.

I want us free.

I want us happy and fulfilled and ignited.

I want us bringing our genius in all the ways that we’ve been called to bring our genius, whether that’s Super Mom or Super Mogul.

I want us alive, vibrant, ignited, and fully in our co-creative power.”

Book Recs

Just Finished: The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks

Currently Listening: Excuses Begone! by Dr. Wayne Dyer

Little Book with Big Wisdom: Tao Te Ching by Lao-tzu, translated by Stephen Mitchell

Quick Read with a Prosperity Plan: The Abundance Book by John Randolf Price

For Financial Resources: The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles


I allow myself to release old stories and welcome new possibilities.

Writing Prompt

What is my money truth? How can I learn to love myself more to allow abundance to come into my life?


Visit the Move the Crowd website:

Follow Rha on Instagram (@rhagoddess), Twitter (@RhaGoddess), and Facebook (@RhaGoddess).

Read Rha Goddess’ most recent book: The Calling: 3 Fundamental Shifts to Stay True, Get Paid, and Do Good.

Francesca Phillips

Francesca Phillips is the founder of The Good Space. She’s obsessed with self-development & helping you cut through the BS so you can live a vibrant life. She has a BA in Psychology, is an entrepreneur, and copywriter. Sign up for The Good Space emails here.

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