weekly: you do you

David Beckham’s new documentary on Netflix inspired me.

Not because he’s a perfect man (far from it) but because he kept playing great football despite the hate and backlash he got over his career.

One minute, the media and fans would praise and worship Beckham.

The next, he’d get booed out of the stadium for a mistake he made in the World Cup.

All at the ripe old age of twenty-three.

Most people couldn’t handle that level of scrutiny.

Yet somehow, Beckham was able to keep playing and playing well.

A surprising lesson stood out to me:

The opinion of others doesn't matter if we don't let it.

Aligning with who you really are

No matter what we do (or don’t do), we can’t control what others think and feel.

Abraham Hicks says:

“Many people early on in your experience attempt to demand your compliance with their rules and opinions, but if you allow what they want to be central to the decisions that you make, you only get further and further out of alignment with who-you-really-are and with the intentions that you were born with...”

There’s no way Beckham could control how people interpreted him.

Just like art.

As a writer, my only control is over the words I write.

Once emailed or posted online, I can't control how it’s interpreted or received.

All this to say, don’t let the fear of what others think stop you from pursuing what you love.

Or working to be your best.

Get in the arena

Beckham was in the arena.

Literally and figuratively.

He wasn’t afraid to put himself out there.

To develop his gift and get better at it.

Even if that meant that his failures and weaknesses were exposed, too.

The people who sit on the sidelines, booing and judging, are also afraid to get into the arena themselves.

Those aren’t the people you want to listen to.

Because they have no idea what it takes.

And if they did, they wouldn’t boo or judge.

So create

Be who you’re called to be and make what you’re meant to make.


Good Listen

How You Can Declutter Your Life Emotionally and Physically with Peggy Fitzsimmons

If you could use a little simplifying and releasing then this podcast episode is for you. Peggy Fitzsimmons, author of Release: Create a Clutter Free and Soul Driven Life, gives insight into what it means to free your life of clutter, both emotionally and physically.

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • Why “most people think decluttering is about forcing themselves to get rid of things against their will”

  • How things let go of us instead of the other way around

  • How to free ourselves to live in alignment with our true soul nature

  • Plus, practical tips on how to de-clutter


Good Thinking

My biggest priority is aligning with who I really am and keeping myself in balance.


Good Action

Do a few kind things for yourself.

Let go of judgments you may have about the way you handled something.

Or let yourself be ok with being where you're at.

Then do the next best thing that feels good to you. You deserve kindness!


Good Question

Move up the ladder to higher vibrations by writing at the top of a blank page and see what flows from your pen (no judgment or editing!):

Are there any rules or opinions from others affecting how I make my decisions?​


Good Book

Energy Type: Masculine

When it comes to high achievement and staying confident amidst struggle The Confident Mind is a must-read. If you've ever felt inspired by the ability of elite athletes to perform under insane pressure you'll love this.

Their incredible discipline feels like something most of us can't have.

I've struggled with discipline and momentum most of my life. I think of times when I'd get a burst of improvement, hit a plateau, and get discouraged. Thinking something's wrong with me or I'm doing the wrong thing.

The book explains that science shows plateaus as part of the process of progress. It also explains what it takes to become confident and to stay confident. It changes how we view life and what it takes to be great at what we do.

Buy The Confident Mind here.


Sparks of Joy

  • Rain: A rainy day makes my heart so happy. We had two this week and it makes the sun that much sweeter.

  • Friends: Having friends I can send voice notes to lifts my spirit. We encourage each other and share what we're learning. Feeling grateful.

  • Reading: Seeing my daughter love books like I do brings me joy. She'll sit on the floor looking at the picture while I read beside her. Literal dream come true.

  • The Eras movie: Got to re-live Taylor's magical concert in theaters. My heart felt so full!


Extra Goodies

  • Good Read: What is the vortex?​

  • Good Quote: Abraham Hicks reminds us of who we are:​

    ​​“You were all born with a triad of intentions pulsing within you: freedom, growth, and joy. Freedom is the basis of that which you are because everything that comes to you comes in response to the thoughts you think – and no one has control over the thoughts that you think other than you. When joy is your dominant quest so that you gently train your thoughts into alignment with who-you-really-are, all resistance subsides, and you then allow the expansion of growth that your life experience has inspired within you.”​

  • Good Inspiration: 77 Abraham Hicks Quotes to keep you in the vortex.

  • Feel Good: Watch this fridge go from chaos to calm.


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Francesca Phillips

Francesca Phillips is the founder of The Good Space. She’s obsessed with self-development & helping you cut through the BS so you can live a vibrant life. She has a BA in Psychology, is an entrepreneur, host of The Good Space Podcast. Order her new book How To Not Lose Your SH*T: The Ultimate Guide To Productivity For Entrepreneurs.


you don’t need evidence


follow your own path