Four Ways Spirit Can Beckon Us to Align With It Again – Part 2

This is the second in a two-part series based on Wayne Dyer’s four messages of alignment from his book, Inspiration: Your Ultimate Calling. I recently picked up this book and felt inspired to share them with you, with the last two of the four ways Spirit beckons us to align with us again: alignment with events, and alignment with people.


Many people struggle to hear their inner voice. Some wonder if God/Spirit communicates with them at all. Like maybe it’s reserved only for those special few. This couldn't the further from the truth.

Your spirit shares the same divine essence as Source/God. And that divine essence can access the exact same power as Source/God. It’s a matter of aligning the personality with this Spirit so every action we take is aligned with its power.

Most children are conditioned out of this inherent, divine knowledge and the way to fix this is to re-learn. This is why I thought it’s important to talk about Dr. Wayne Dyer’s Four Messages of Alignment in his book Inspiration: Your Ultimate Calling. These are four ways Spirit can beckon us to align with it again. I hope this illuminates how you’re already receiving guidance and communication in your life.

As simple as some of this will sound this knowledge packs a lot of spiritual punch in day-to-day life. When we take time to learn the ways Spirit speaks to us it’s much easier to notice, align, and feel peace. Not every method of alignment applies to everyone but the ones that do can be reaffirming and validating. So let’s see which ones you align with the most!

The four messages of alignment

Tune in to our previous episode, Four Ways Spirit Can Beckon Us to Align with It Again – Part 1, for the first two alignments: Feelings and Nature. ✨

3. Events

This is a fun one. It’s when seemingly inexplicable events or occurrences happen and may be Spirit lining up “coincidences” as Dr. Wayne Dyer puts in parentheses to teach us or show us the way. He says, “The language of Spirit will proclaim its creativity by producing sequences of repetition to align us with our Source.” Pg 232

For example, a friend mentions a book, then you hear about it on a podcast, and then you see it at the bookstore. All in the same day or same week. When you have these repetitious moments it’s the Spirit trying to get your attention and back into alignment.

I want to share a powerful, goosebump inducing sequence of events that made me believe without a doubt that Spirit can communicate to us in patterns and bringing thoughts or ideas repeatedly into our field of experience. It’s about how I almost gave up The Good Space and how Spirit had other plans for me.

I originally started The Good Space back in 2016 or 2017 with another writer/blogger. We wanted to share spiritual thoughts and concepts and felt called to work together. We sent out blog posts every week as emails. Fast forward to 2019 and I felt called to expand The Good Space. This writer, now turned friend, and I did this business exercise that clarified what each of us envisioned for TGS’s future and after we realized we weren’t 100% aligned. Even so I wanted to make things work.

Shortly after in February 2020, I flew to a conference in Los Angeles and came back to New York pumped about the future of TGS. Yet a few days later this friend called to say she no longer wanted to be a part of TGS. It felt like the wind got knocked out of me. All the effort and resources spent building something together.  It felt like a betrayal. What I imagine a divorce would feel like. I felt angry. Also insecure. Deep down I believed I couldn’t make anything worth reading or buying on my own.

She said she wanted to divide our blog posts like they were children. This section she wrote and that section I wrote. Then remove her sections from our website. It was torture. But also if it meant ripping off the bandaid sooner then let’s get this over with. The one thing I wouldn’t budge on was giving her the name The Good Space. That I 100% came up with and wouldn’t part ways with. She felt the sting on that one for sure.

The next few days or so I felt pulled to do a yoga nidra class. One that focused on breath and restorative poses. I needed healing and peace. As I walked to the studio, I prayed to God about the paralyzing fear I felt. I asked to find clarity and to know if the pain of this situation meant I need to let go of it all. The blog posts. the name. If so, I would do it. I would start fresh or not start at all and move on with my life. But if He wanted me to move forward with The Good Space I needed confirmation.

Fast forward to me unrolling my mat and settling into class. In the small, cool room the teacher said she wanted to base the class’s intention around a concept she read about in a magazine. 

She opened its pages and read a quote that said, “You need to be able to surrender and to know that you’re supported in order to be able to really be content.” So far so good. Then she shared and explained that the sanskrit word Sukha means “(ease or, literally, a good space) [it’s] the comfort or sweetness we feel, even in the midst of confusion or turbulent times.” 

Ears perked. Spirit locked in on every word. She then said the class was centered around this idea of creating a good space in our lives. She said the phrase one more time after which I prayed, “Ok I’m listening. If I’m meant to continue with The Good Space the teacher will mention it one last time. That way I know it’s you.” 

The class starts and nothing. I wondered if maybe I pushed too much or that I had my answer. Then sure enough one of the last things the teacher mentioned was creating a good space in our lives and carrying that sense of space forward with us. I later took pictures of the pages she read from because duh.

Although this kind of event doesn’t happen every day what does happen more frequently are the moments you hear about a book multiple times from multiple sources. Or you’ll hear a word over and over. I try to be careful about over projecting onto events but when I feel the small warm feeling of the Spirit I know it’s a nudge or confirmation. 

Synchronicities can take many shapes and forms. One of our community members messaged me and said she had just spoken to her therapist the day before about the exact topic The Good Space Daily email talked about. People also see repetitive numbers like 11:11 or 4:44 on their phones, odometers, waiting in line and it goes on. These are all invitations to be receptive and pay attention.

Once you get used to how Spirit communicates through events lining up it’s hard to dismiss it as coincidence or accidental. The cool thing is these synchronicities have always been there. It may take us some time to start noticing them. But they are there my friend. Wayne Dyer says, “And our noticing indicates a new level of readiness to listen to our ultimate calling.” Pg 233

If you sense Spirit speaks to you through events practice noticing repetitions. Write them on a note in your phone or in a notebook. What do you feel is being pointed out or confirmed?


4. People

The last, and not least, way we’re beckoned to align with Spirit is when our thoughts become tied with another person’s behavior. This one will be short and sweet.

The odds are high you’ve experienced this kind of situation. Where you think of someone you haven’t talked to in ages. Then that person calls you or reaches out. Or  you run into them in the most random place.

Dr. Wayne Dyer says, “When people line up with our thoughts and mysteriously connect their physical presence with our private inner meanderings, we should take note.” When this kind of synchronicity happens it’s helpful to become alert and open to what the reason might be.

Maybe you’re meant to bless that person. Maybe they’ll connect you to someone or give you an idea you’ve been waiting for. Maybe it’s to show the power of your energy and that you can call anything and anyone to you.

Humans are social creatures. And I often think of a school of fish underwater and how they move as if they’re one body. Knowing the direction and movements to take before being conscious of it. As social creatures ourselves and part of this vast oneness that is the universe it’s not a stretch to imagine that our thoughts can literally impact someone not even in the same physical space as us. This isn’t even going into the studies that have shown two brains syncing up by being in the same room together. It called coherence and is super fascinating. 

Have you experienced something like this before? I’d love to hear! You can find my email or links to our Instagram reels on these topics where you can leave a comment in the show notes.

With these four messages of alignment it’s akin to what Wayne Dyer says “when the student is ready the teacher will appear.” When we stay in a state of readiness teachings and teachers will manifest. I hope you enjoy seeking out Spirit and growing your connection to it.


I know Spirit speaks to me always, and I'm open to hearing It through events and people around me.

Writing Prompt

Each day this week, I’ll write down a way I felt called to align with Spirit. Whether it’s through feelings, nature, events or people, how can I stay in a state of readiness to seek out Spirit and grow my connection to it?


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Francesca Phillips

Francesca Phillips is the founder of The Good Space. She’s obsessed with self-development & helping you cut through the BS so you can live a vibrant life. She has a BA in Psychology, is an entrepreneur, host of The Good Space Podcast. Order her new book How To Not Lose Your SH*T: The Ultimate Guide To Productivity For Entrepreneurs.

10 Books for Inspiration


Four Ways Spirit Can Beckon Us to Align With It Again – Part 1