Four Ways Spirit Can Beckon Us to Align With It Again – Part 1

This is the first in a two-part series based on Wayne Dyer’s four messages of alignment from his book, Inspiration: Your Ultimate Calling. I recently picked up this book and felt inspired to share them with you, starting with two of the four ways Spirit beckons us to align with us again: alignment with feelings, and alignment with nature.


Many people struggle to hear their inner voice. Some wonder if God/Spirit communicates with them at all. Like maybe it’s reserved only for those special few. This couldn't the further from the truth.

Your spirit shares the same divine essence as Source/God. And that divine essence can access the exact same power as Source/God. It’s a matter of aligning the personality with this Spirit so every action we take is aligned with its power.

Most children are conditioned out of this inherent, divine knowledge and the way to fix this is to re-learn. This is why I thought it’s important to talk about Dr. Wayne Dyer’s Four Messages of Alignment in his book Inspiration: Your Ultimate Calling. These are four ways Spirit can beckon us to align with it again. I hope this illuminates how you’re already receiving guidance and communication in your life.

As simple as some of this will sound this knowledge packs a lot of spiritual punch in day-to-day life. When we take time to learn the ways Spirit speaks to us it’s much easier to notice, align, and feel peace. Not every method of alignment applies to everyone but the ones that do can be reaffirming and validating. So let’s see which ones you align with the most!

The four messages of alignment

1. Feelings

Spirit speaks to us through feelings.

If something feels good then it’s from Spirit. If it doesn’t, that’s ego.

When I pray to know my mission in a moment the Spirit whispers “Writing” in my heart and I feel this clear, warm, expansive feeling. Writing makes me feel good. That’s how I know I’m aligned with Spirit. 

There are other times where I feel irritated and quick tempered. Things like getting into the minutiae of setting up a new platform up or being woken up by a loud neighbor. Those moments definitely don’t make me feel good. That means I’m in ego, not Spirit.

The key becomes redirecting attention to the intention of feeling good. Because when we do we’re in-Spirit

I’m not saying we can’t feel emotions like irritation or anger. Or that you’re a failure for doing so. Lower energy emotions are part of the human experience and purpose of our soul’s evolution. We must feel all emotions to experience life. 

It’s how we respond and process them that makes a huge difference. 

I may not be able to change how complicated a platform is or the behavior of those around me. But what I can do is set the intention to feel good. That may mean giving attention to the anger and irritation. So I can process and release. But giving it a time limit so it doesn’t consume me. Maybe I clench my fists, punch a pillow, or scrunch my face to feel their fullest expression but after 15-min I focus again on feeling good.

How do we do that?

Ask yourself before you do something “Does this [or will this] make me feel good?” and make it so the answer becomes true.

That may mean needing to step away and taking a walk, a swim, or journaling. The other day I felt pretty blue and could feel my emotions stewing beneath the surface as I worked from home. The minute I asked myself “How can I feel good?” I felt inspired to take a walk in the neighborhood to reset with nature. As soon as the cool Spring air touched my face I felt a huge weight lift. As if a literal spring cleaning happened in my mind and my perspective was realigned. 

Asking ourselves this question regularly throughout the day will be the key to staying in alignment and manifesting what you desire. Soon the question becomes so automatic you’ll find yourself naturally gravitating and acting on what makes you feel good.

If you feel Spirit speaks to you through feelings then try this question and answer method with your inner voice.


2. Nature

This is the one I resonate with the most. 🥰 

My favorite alignment practice is syncing my body to the pace of nature around me. The Earth has been around for billions of years. It’s managed to sustain life and thrive for longer than anything else we can point to. Yet it moves slower and with more peace than the mini world we humans created. There’s something to embrace in that.

Wayne Dyer says, “Everything in nature is in-Spirit - it isn’t spoiled by ego, nor can it ever be.”

By aligning with and listening to nature it’s one of the most accessible ways to get out of ego and into spirit.

Armed with this new perspective I remember walking to Central Park in New York City and watching the trees. How slowly the leaves swayed and the musical sound they emitted. Then I observed the birds sitting on branches singing their melodies. Not in any hurry.

Then I tried to consciously sync up my body to the rhythms of the natural world. My steps slowed a little. Which felt weird at first being a New Yorker. Then I noticed my heartbeat slowing and my body relaxing more. My breath becoming more full and luxurious. 

I started seeing this bustling, anxious heavy city through a lens of calm and zen. My spirit felt in tune and aligned. More in its real element than it had before. That’s when I knew I was aligning with nature and therefore the Spirit. 

To take this a step further, God/Spirit physically communicates through nature, too. Whether a speckled Starling gets really close as you’re thinking of your life’s mission. Or a branch falls on you the exact moment you think an angry thought. There are reminders around us helping us stay in-Spirit.

Start paying attention to the thoughts you’re thinking the moment these connections happen. Wayne Dyer says, “Pay attention to episodes in nature that arouse Spirit and kindle an inner spark of awe and admiration for you.”

There’s also this beautiful Chinook Blessing Litany he shares in the book Inspiration: Your Ultimate Calling. It reads like a poem and shares the Native American awareness of Spirit in nature. I posted it in full on our website so click the link in our show notes to read it. 

Also, on Thursday, I’m dropping a minisode where I’ll share a personal story of connecting with nature in Central Park and recite this litany. That way if you enjoy this alignment and want more you can have it but if this episode is enough for you then I won’t overwhelm you.

Tune in next week to hear about the third alignment and fourth alignments: events and people. In the meantime soak in what you heard and practice the intention to feel good and get out in nature this week. If you’d like to share what happens email me or share in the comments of our Instagram reels that talk about these alignments. Both are linked in the show notes.

Tune in to our next episode, Four Ways Spirit Can Beckon Us to Align with It Again – Part 2, for the next two alignments: Events and People. ✨


I focus on feeling good in every moment, knowing that’s the fastest way to align with Spirit.

Writing Prompt

In what ways does Spirit speak to me the most? If I’m still discovering the way, what can I do to start learning?


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Francesca Phillips

Francesca Phillips is the founder of The Good Space. She’s obsessed with self-development & helping you cut through the BS so you can live a vibrant life. She has a BA in Psychology, is an entrepreneur, host of The Good Space Podcast. Order her new book How To Not Lose Your SH*T: The Ultimate Guide To Productivity For Entrepreneurs.

Four Ways Spirit Can Beckon Us to Align With It Again – Part 2


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