How to Build an Energetic Energy Shield and Protect Your Power with Angie Fisher

Are you an empath? Someone who’s sensitive to the emotions of other people or your environment? Today we're going to talk about how you can protect your energy and get into vibrational alignment with Angie Fisher.


Who is Angie Fisher?

Three years ago, Angie Fisher began letting go of society's expectations and walked away from her virtual assistant business of six years, with a team of 15, to lean in to what was important - her family, creating a life she enjoyed and building a new business that felt good again.  

As an Intuitive Business Coach, Reiki Master Practitioner, Mom and lover of all things holistic she lives her life without walls while opening her heart fully to life around her.  Through one-on-one sessions, group programs and healing events she combines her experience of Entrepreneurship and gift of helping others heal so they too can create a life that feels good and grow a business that thrives. 

Moving from One Season to the Next

Angie spent six years growing the virtual assisting firm she started when her son was born. She says, “Within three months, I had my first contractor and then over time, it just grew so large, and it actually became a monster. You know, when we become entrepreneurs, we think, oh, this is gonna be so fun, we're gonna have so much freedom, we're gonna go do this during the day. And it was not like that at all. It became this beast where my laptop was attached to my hip. At all times. And I realized that I was spinning my wheels, and I wasn't motivated to grow it anymore.”

So she sat at her kitchen table and had a good cry, knowing that this season of her life was over. It was time to let it go. She says, “But sometimes we have to know that that's the season. And it's just time to move on from that, take what we've learned, gather everything that we have and move forward individually.”

During her time as a virtual assistant, Angie realized that she was guiding her clients more as a coach than a virtual assistant. She says, “And once I realized that it was like a light bulb in my mind of why don't I just do that on my own by myself and release the pressure and the expectation and trying to become this person that really doesn't feel like the right season right now. And so once I was able to do that, then I just started coaching, and doing what I had always done in a different capacity.”

That’s when she knew what she was meant to do instead.

Things Aren’t Always What They Seem

Angie later revealed that a lot of the influencers she worked with as an assistant seemed to be successful on the outside but were really chaotic behind the scenes. She says, “We judge ourselves so easily based on what we see on social media and websites and numbers. Even though a website might be beautiful, and there might be a lot of testimonials that say that I've made this, those entrepreneurs are still struggling, they'll have their own struggles. Take it with a grain of salt because that's not everybody's season. We're here to experience, we're not here to walk into rainbows and unicorns, 24 seven, and all year long.”

If you're feeling unfulfilled or don't know what's the next step Angie asks us to do a check in to see what we actually want from our lives. She says, “Everybody is going through their own season and your season isn't going to match another person's season. Connect in with yourself. Maybe you want to spend more time with your family, maybe you want a more flexible work schedule. Add these types of things to your “value bucket.” Let it drive you and connect with your body when you’re looking at your value bucket, does it align for you? If you’re always trying to do something that someone else is doing, it won’t line up for you because that’s not your journey or your season.”


Protecting Your Energy

When asked how to build an energetic energy shield and protect your power Angie says, “It goes back to awareness with your body. So if you're in a room with someone that you feel, has a different energetic vibe than you do, then it's time to really step into your body. Ask yourself why you feel heavy. Take a moment where you are just to put a protective light around yourself. See it as almost like a chalk line to be honest, around your body of light so that it seals that in.”

When she said this I had to know more. Did she have a process she went through when going into a possibly draining situation? Yep. She said, “When you find yourself in a neutral zone, undo the seal of light and clear yourself. Ask that anything no longer serving you be released. That's going to cleanse your energetic fields and your physical body of whatever may have latched on from that person.”

Then she said to ask for whatever you may have lost be returned back to you to fill your energetic field back up. When negative energies are able to come in, they poke holes in our energetic fields and allow things inside. So sealing those holes back up after releasing what no longer serves you, brings light back in.

But how do we know when we need to leave a situation versus stick it out?

“Listen to your body. If you're getting these signals or these thoughts that this isn't engaging for you, if you're feeling something that's wanting to pull you away, pull away, find a way to get out of the conversation, leave the room and just take a deep breath. Imagine that the energy is going away from you. You are aware of what is happening in your body and your energetic field, let it guide you. Always ask for guidance and a shield of protection for whatever you’re walking into. It’s hard to penetrate through someone an energy field that is full of white light. And a lot of times, if you have that shield on already, that negative energetic field isn't going to want to be with you anyways, because they can't get through.”

Angie’s night-time routine includes releasing anything that is no longer serving her. Try saying this to yourself: please bring back to me anything that I may have lost for today or disconnected or for some reason just has is not in my energy field, and bring it back to me and make me whole and complete. 

The A through E of Vibrational Alignment

Everyone has a different vibrational alignment because we're all different beings. Angie describes vibrational alignment as when you feel like you’re at home, you’re feeling connected, you feel good. “I like to think of vibrational alignment as going A through E, just like the alphabet.” Here’s the process she walks us through:

A. Awareness. You feel triggered or something has caused an imbalance in your vibrations. That’s your red flag.

B. Breathe. Pause for a minute to take a deep breath, relax, lower your shoulders.

C. Connect. At some point in the day, pause to connect with your body. What does your body have to say? What does it want? Close your eyes and ask your body what it needs from you in that moment.

D. Deliver. Give your body what it needs. Why do you feel nervous? What’s the problem? Have the conversation with your body and deliver what it needs.

E. Extra light. It’s going to release and let go. And releasing allows that hole to be filled with light.

And then you will feel better just connecting in, and it will become a habit, because it feels good. We deserve to feel good. We deserve to tap into our energies and allow ourselves to feel good. Feel the energy and confidence and power, gravitate towards the good. “I can protect my energy, I can guide my energy, I can do what I want with my energy, like that is your right, true power.”

Listen to the full conversation now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Stitcher. Links are above beneath the blog picture.


I intend to be an energetic bright light to everyone around me and release anything that isn’t serving me.


Angie Fisher’s Official Site (use code TheGoodSpace to get $20 off a service).

Follow Angie on Instagram @leanintoletgo.

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Francesca Phillips

Francesca Phillips is the founder of The Good Space. She’s obsessed with self-development & helping you cut through the BS so you can live a vibrant life. She has a BA in Psychology, is an entrepreneur, host of The Good Space Podcast. Order her new book How To Not Lose Your SH*T: The Ultimate Guide To Productivity For Entrepreneurs.

What it Means to be In Vibrational Alignment


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