your ideal lifestyle

"I am open to receiving abundance and letting go of what isn't working."

A reader asked me a great question from Monday’s email about the idea of fitting work around our lifestyle goals instead of fitting life around work.

She said, “I love this idea of fitting work to our life instead of vice versa. But I struggle with how to do this when you have a 9-5 job that doesn't give you much flexibility or spontaneous ness. What advice do you have for that? Or how do you work around that when you can't control that?”

Great question.

Fitting work around the lifestyle we want is tough with a job that doesn't allow much time flexibility.

When I worked at a large beauty brand here in New York City, it required a similar inflexible schedule.

Maybe you can relate.

While I don’t claim to know THE answer.

Or be an expert.

Here are two things that come to mind.

​Accept this season of life

First, I suggest accepting and honoring yourself for doing what you can in this season of life.

You're doing great.

Sometimes our capacities are limited by our circumstances but it doesn't mean that can't change in the future.

By accepting where we're at we can get creative.

There’s nothing wrong with starting where you are.

​Protect your energy

Second, for now think of "fitting work around your lifestyle" as an energy/mindset.

What does your ideal lifestyle feel like instead of look like?

Peaceful or centered?

How can we bring that to every aspect of the day?

A great place to start is with meaningful habits and choices that help us trandscend and recover from work.

For me, I did a morning routine every day.

It anchored my days and reminded me that work was a part of my life but not my whole life.

During lunch, I'd read a book that made me feel good and worked on TGS from my laptop.

During commutes, I'd have a good book to read or listen to or would write on my phone.

When I got home, I refused to think about work so I could recharge.

Then I'd do whatever my body needed to find rest.

On weekends I'd travel or have a fun adventure.

Basically, created boundaries over how much emotionally and mentally I gave work.

Although jobs get certain hours of our day it doesn't mean they get the best of our energy or spirit.


Good Quote

“Too often, we operate with a scarcity mentality that drives us to hold on to things we should abandon simply because we’re afraid another opportunity won’t come along. Hear me on this: we live in a world of outrageous abundance.”

— Michael Hyatt, Free to Focus


Good Question

Move up the ladder to higher vibrations by writing at the top of a blank page and see what flows from your pen (no judgment or editing!):

Where might I be holding myself back from enjoying life more?


Good Thinking

I am open to receiving abundance and letting go of what isn’t working.


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Francesca Phillips

Francesca Phillips is the founder of The Good Space. She’s obsessed with self-development & helping you cut through the BS so you can live a vibrant life. She has a BA in Psychology, is an entrepreneur, host of The Good Space Podcast. Order her new book How To Not Lose Your SH*T: The Ultimate Guide To Productivity For Entrepreneurs.

life is now


design your life first