this takes time

"I value spiritual progress over anything else. I see opportunities to simplify and expand."

Have you considered that not all progress is created equal

In a world that runs on ego, progress looks like getting a promotion, making money, and getting “more”.

Nothing else counts until we reach those markers.

Will this kind of "progress" make us happy, though?

Is there a kind we can value more that benefits the Spirit instead?

This question dawned on me as I simplified my daughter’s toy collection.

An act that I realized was a different kind of progress.

One toward a more aligned and peaceful life.

Progress that felt more valuable and meaningful than any other.

​We don't need more

In Simplicity Parenting, Kim John Payne said children’s creativity, curiosity, and motivation are intrinsic.

They don’t need more toys to “get” more of it.

They're already there in abundance.

If anything, more toys hinder creativity and curiosity.

And represent the subconscious manipulation of marketing and commercialism.

Something I became influenced by growing up.

Kids with too many choices don’t see the value in any one thing.

And become perpetually dissatisfied.

Do we, as adults, have too many “toys” and choices hindering us?

Is there a way to strip down our influences and return to ourselves?

​Making space is faith

There's something to be said about making space.

Whether in a closet.

An email list.

Or friendships.

It says we don't have to know what's next to do what's best for us.

It releases what was never ours to begin with.

Making way for what is.

​Meaningful progress

This is the kind of progress that feels meaningful.

The kind that brings us one step closer to ourselves.

For so long, I subconsciously believed I needed what the world said I did.

But how could it know what my soul needs?

It felt great to redefine what progress means in that moment.

Viewing progress from an intrinsic spiritual perspective takes time.

Spurts of awareness.

And kind, daily realignment.

Then, we'll get to a point where we naturally value what our inner self values over anything else.

I know this process takes time, but I'm here for it and excited to see it unfold.


Good Quote

“I don't know where I'm going, but I'm on my way.”

— Carl Sandburg


Good Question

Move up the ladder to higher vibrations by writing at the top of a blank page and see what flows from your pen (no judgment or editing!):

What kind of progress would feel meaningful to me?


Good Thinking

I value spiritual progress over anything else. I see opportunities to simplify and expand.


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Francesca Phillips

Francesca Phillips is the founder of The Good Space. She’s obsessed with self-development & helping you cut through the BS so you can live a vibrant life. She has a BA in Psychology, is an entrepreneur, host of The Good Space Podcast. Order her new book How To Not Lose Your SH*T: The Ultimate Guide To Productivity For Entrepreneurs.

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