the truth about happiness

"I decide to have happiness and bring it to every thing I do."

No one describes happiness better than Dr. Wayne Dyer. He says:

“Happiness is an inner concept. That is, you can have it if you decide to have it. If you have it inside you, you bring your happiness to everything you do. You bring it to your work. You bring it to your relationships. No matter what, you just have it; you don’t have to try to get it.”​

​What an empowering thought.

​We make our own meaning

This doesn’t mean life won’t have unfair or challenging circumstances.

Only that we don’t need life to look a certain way to claim happiness.

Part of having free agency is accepting ourselves as the ultimate decider of the experience we have.

We won’t have literal control over events or people.

Only control over how we digest and make meaning of the world around us.

​Giving up our power

This is something I work on daily.

Especially as I learn about codependency.

It’s so easy to give up our power and responsibility to other people or circumstances.

To slip into victim mode.

Thinking they have to be a certain way or do a certain thing before we can feel happy.

Sure it’s easier to blame and hand off responsibility.

But it’s also like a spiritual prison.

Holding our capacity to expand and experience happiness hostage.

Because what’s the alternative?

Free agency means full freedom

Full power over our experiences and emotions.

Responsibility for every decision we make.

That can feel scary.


Yet on the other side of those emotions are peace and joy.

When we bring happiness to everything we do decisions become easier.

We begin trusting ourselves again.

Life feels lighter and more rewarding.

​Claim your happiness

This ties in well with the idea of contentment.

It’s a state of being at ease or satisfied.

Without putting conditions around it.

We have the power to contain or hold the capacity for our brilliance as divine beings.

As such, we have the power to have happiness.


Good Quote

“Happiness is not a station in life, a place to arrive at. It’s a way of traveling. It’s a manner of how you traverse the path you’re on, walking each step with love.”

— Wayne Dyer, Happiness is the Way


Good Question

Move up the ladder to higher vibrations by writing at the top of a blank page and see what flows from your pen (no judgment or editing!):

In what ways might I be giving responsibility and power to someone or something outside of myself?


Good Thinking

I decide to have happiness and bring it to every thing I do.


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Francesca Phillips

Francesca Phillips is the founder of The Good Space. She’s obsessed with self-development & helping you cut through the BS so you can live a vibrant life. She has a BA in Psychology, is an entrepreneur, host of The Good Space Podcast. Order her new book How To Not Lose Your SH*T: The Ultimate Guide To Productivity For Entrepreneurs.

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weekly: the truth about contentment