predicting your future

"I am capable of meeting limited circumstances with unlimited thoughts."

New York City is officially approaching my favorite time of year.

A cool breeze glides through the living room window.

The coziest blanket rests on my lap as I write.

Halloween decorations dot the apartment.

Nothing beats autumn in the city.

I even have a playlist reserved for the holiday season in New York.

It's the best.

​Predicting our future

Earlier today, I read my list of affirmations.

I aim to do so daily to help me work through unhelpful beliefs.

As I did, I thought, “Wouldn’t it be cool if affirmations were a prediction of my future?”

And I realized, “WAIT! It is!”

Affirmations offer us a way to "try on" what we want.

Repeat them often enough, and we begin to believe they're possible.

Once we do, desire starts to manifest.

In actual reality, they're already here.

They've been waiting for us to beckon them into our physical experience.

All that’s expected of us is to believe and to be willing to receive.

Affirmations support the believing part.

And willingness supports the receiving part.

Bada boom, bada bing.

Easier understood than done, for sure.

Tell me

Do you like affirmations?

Do you read them?

Or write them?


Good Quote

"The key to abundance is meeting limited circumstances with unlimited thoughts."

— Marianne Williamson


Good Question

Move up the ladder to higher vibrations by writing at the top of a blank page and see what flows from your pen (no judgment or editing!):

What's an unhelpful belief or thought that would benefit me to change?


Good Thinking

I am capable of meeting limited circumstances with unlimited thoughts.


Good Action

Take a quiet 30 minutes for yourself this weekend.

Stillness is where we reconnect to our meaning and purpose.

If you resist, ask yourself where this comes from and if you can make yourself feel safe again. Enjoy!


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Francesca Phillips

Francesca Phillips is the founder of The Good Space. She’s obsessed with self-development & helping you cut through the BS so you can live a vibrant life. She has a BA in Psychology, is an entrepreneur, host of The Good Space Podcast. Order her new book How To Not Lose Your SH*T: The Ultimate Guide To Productivity For Entrepreneurs.

weekly: the truth about happiness


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