laziness shouldn’t be a thing

"I am kind to myself and rest when I need it."

I'm writing today’s email from bed with a stuffy nose.

Saltine crackers in hand.

Nestled under a fluffy comforter.

Surrendered to a limited capacity for the week.

There were a few things I wanted to start.

But there's only so much this mama can do.

​No such thing as laziness

Which made me think of a pressure many of us face:

Feeling guilty for prioritizing rest and not being “productive”.

That too many days off the clock means we'll be lazy forever.

So, let's set the record straight.

For my sake and maybe yours:

There’s no such thing as laziness.

If we decide to leave the house messier because we're too exhausted, that's more productive than half cleaning and guilt-tripping ourselves about it.

​Kindness motivates more than guilt

​KC Davis says:

​“For a long time, when I chose to cut corners with care tasks I would feel immense guilt at being irresponsible. Yet where did I get the message that choosing to prioritize rest over the dishes for one night is irresponsible? The problem isn’t that I chose to rest instead of clean the kitchen; it’s that I told myself I was being a bad person by doing so.”

The underlying fear is that if we embrace being kind to ourselves, we’ll stay unfunctional forever.

If we're not constantly doing something, we'll lose momentum and become lazy forever.

But it's this exact thinking that demotivates us.

Actually resting and showing ourselves kindness gives us the motivation we seek.

In case this helps here's a permission slip to rest if you need it.


Good Quote

"Your work life is divided into two distinct areas—what matters most and everything else. You will have to take what matters to the extremes and be okay with what happens to the rest. Professional success requires it."

— Gary Keller


Good Question

Move up the ladder to higher vibrations by writing at the top of a blank page and see what flows from your pen (no judgment or editing!):

What does my body need today?


Good Thinking

I am kind to myself and rest when I need it.


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Francesca Phillips

Francesca Phillips is the founder of The Good Space. She’s obsessed with self-development & helping you cut through the BS so you can live a vibrant life. She has a BA in Psychology, is an entrepreneur, host of The Good Space Podcast. Order her new book How To Not Lose Your SH*T: The Ultimate Guide To Productivity For Entrepreneurs.

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