embracing your quirks

One funny thing about me is when a bag of food gets empty enough I’ll cut the bag so my hand doesn’t have to reach down as far.

I do this for chips.

Flour for baking.


You name it.

My whole family did this growing up.

I never thought anything of it until my husband laughed about it.

Or my uncle asked, "Do you do this weird thing your aunt does?"

To which I laughed and said yes.

Embracing our quirks

I cut the bag so that my hand doesn’t brush up against the dust of whatever is in there.

Or crinkle like a firecracker on the way down.

It feels more clean and efficient.

I’m sure you can think of funny quirks you have, no?

As a kid, it may have made me feel insecure or stupid.

But now, I treasure the things that make me unique.

And what makes others unique.

I know someone whose husband is obsessed with the color orange.

As in, wrote his college essay on why he loves orange.

As in, has a nice car in the color (you guessed it) orange.

It made me like him even more!

It takes guts to stand by what you love even if it’s uncommon.

Our divine mission

The reason our spirits came to earth was to learn our preferences.

It’s almost as if these quirks represent our divine mission.

To explore and experience life in a more full and vibrant way.

To become more of who we are.

Please don’t shy away from your quirks.

Learn to celebrate and embrace them.


Good Action

Make one appointment you’ve been procrastinating on.

Like a haircut, annual teeth cleaning, or a doctor’s visit.

It’s easy to delay our health needs when we have so much on our plate.

But nonaction can weigh heavier than just doing it.


Good Question

Move up the ladder to higher vibrations by writing at the top of a blank page and see what flows from your pen (no judgment or editing!):

What fun quirks do I have?


Good Thinking

I explore and embrace life in a fun and vibrant way.


Sparks of Joy

  • Lightning storm: Early Sunday morning we awoke at 2 am to the sky flashing like an atmospheric strobe. It was an awe-inducing lightning storm with strands of electricity exploding in the clouds. It was stunning.

  • Yoga while raining: Doing yoga in our living room while it gently rained outside. Such a relaxing way to unwind from work.


Extra Goodies

  • Good Read: How can I avoid eating food with “forever” chemicals? (Washington Post)

  • Good Quote: Helpful advice from James Clear on how to process judgment or opinions from others:​

    ​"People usually judge you based on where you are at currently, not what you could become eventually. Don't let one comment stop you from trying. File it away or use it as fuel. Focus on getting better. Someone else's analysis of your current position doesn't tell you anything about your current potential."​

  • Good Tip: What to do if a bee stings you. (Healthline)


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Francesca Phillips

Francesca Phillips is the founder of The Good Space. She’s obsessed with self-development & helping you cut through the BS so you can live a vibrant life. She has a BA in Psychology, is an entrepreneur, host of The Good Space Podcast. Order her new book How To Not Lose Your SH*T: The Ultimate Guide To Productivity For Entrepreneurs.


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